Chapter 51

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Hey guys so sorry for the late update. Something good happened to me. I finally got a job (yeeey) and I've been so busy preparing for the requirements. Anyways I'm still going to update. Don't worry.



"You sketching again?" I asked Noah as I indian-seated beside him on the grassy ground.

Today I invited him to go with me by the lake somewhere in the outskirts of town. Since it was already Spring Break, I thought that a little picnic here would be nice... just the two of us. Him and his mom had already moved out of the house and they're back to their own house.

At first I was devastated about it but then I realized there's really nothing to be sad about. He's literally our next door neighbor and we're just a couple of walks apart. I'm not allowed to go in their house by myself though because Aunt Clare's still paranoid.

Actually, right now I didn't tell her Noah and I would be going here. As soon as she went to work, I grabbed the opportunity to go to Noah's and so here we are. Mrs. Emily drove us here and she told me she'd be happy to pick us up later.

I was going to tag Harris along but then decided not to since I figured that this should be our quality time. Also, I wanted Noah to relax and have a breathe of fresh air. Who knows, maybe this would help calm himself. You know, find peace and tranquility somehow. I'm not sure if this'll help him with his condition and all but there's no harm in trying right?

Anyways, Noah paused from stroking his pencil on his sketchpad and placed the pad next to him on the grass. He was quiet. His eyes seemed to have focused on the pristine water instead of to me. His knees folded up in level to his chest then his arms circled around it afterwards.

In order to avoid prolonging the silence amidst us, I spoke again. "The water looks nice. Want to go swimming?"

He shrugged. Then silence again.

I bit my lower lip while scratching the tip of my nose. My brain was processing on a particular topic that might get Noah's attention. He has been really quiet since we got here. He didn't even finished the sandwich that I made for him for today's picnic. There was literally only one bite on the sandwich.

"Noah are you okay?" I asked him sincerely.

It took a while but after exhaling heavily, he finally answered. "I'm just thinking..."

"About what?" I responded while picking up a bag of chips I placed on the blanket spread in front of us.

"Something," he plainly said. His blank eyes were still glued to the water.

I decided to bring the subject back to his sketchpad. "What were you sketching?"

"Nothing," he plainly said again, stirring on his seat while his hand rested down on the pad.

This time I chuckled and he finally shifted his eyes towards me. He gave me a puzzled look.

"You always say that," I said as my chuckle subsided. "You remember when we were kids, I always ask you what you're sketching and you always end up saying nothing yet later on I'll found out that it isn't nothing after all?" I said, my smile not fading.

He returned his eyes back to the water again. I puffed my cheeks but I won't give in to his snubby behavior.

"Is it me again?" I joked while nudging his elbow. He threw me a stern glare and I subconsciously gulped. It's like talking to a brick wall. I forced a smile on my face.

That Kid: Noah PryceWhere stories live. Discover now