Chapter 22

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My day started off weird today.

More people seemed to be ignoring me than usual. But it wasn't the 'they just don't care' way. It was actually kind of more on 'they're afraid of me' way.

I haven't received any teasing, insulting remarks, or any acts that lowers down my self-esteem.

"What's up?" Harris asked after I made an unconscious sigh. We were walking along the hallway from our History class.

It was also weird taking in the fact that there were eyes stealing glimpses at us. Whenever I glance back at them, they would divert their eyes away or skedaddle off.

Blinking my thoughts back to reality, I retorted, "Do I have something weird on my face?"

With a raised eyebrow, Harris peered closer to my face, his eyes squinted. Then, he looked away with a shrug.

"Nope. You look pretty as usual," he mumbled.

"Really? You think I'm pretty?" I was startled. Did I heard that one word right? Or was I just hearing things?

"Uhh. Hey look!" Harris yelped before pointing his index finger to a specific direction, seemingly averting my question. I stared at Harris dubiously for a couple of seconds before travelling my gaze to the direction he was pointing at.

And my eyes spotted Noah with his head facing downward. In front of him was Coach Morris giving him another scolding, I presume. They were by a wall connecting to a staircase that leads down to the second floor.

"What's he doing with Coach Morris?" questioned Harris.

"Probably lecturing him again," I muttered, my face filled with concern and suspicion.

However, after seeing Coach Morris patting the top of Noah's head with a wide cheeky grin, my hypothesis got debunked.

As soon as we got dismissed from History class earlier, Noah hurried out of the room. I tried to call him out then but he didn't hear me and continued to storm off. I never thought Coach Morris was the reason he was in a rush a while ago.

Coach Morris caught glimpse of Harris and I. Noah as well. One last tap on Noah's back later, the coach walked away.

"Hey Noah," I greeted him. Harris greeted him with a playful salute. He only responded with half a smile.

"It's great to see you're already in good terms with Coach Morris," I spoke so no silence would come amidst the three of us while we head to our next classes.

"Yeah I mean yesterday he was fuming mad when he called you to his office for being tardy and skipping P.E but now it appears like you two have become chums," Harris inserted, adjusting his grip on his backpack's shoulder strap.

I noticed Noah's body stiffened as his brows curled to a frown. Even though he won't say it out loud, I could tell something was making him feel furious. His eyes gave it away.

"We're not chums," Noah spoke with gritted teeth and began strutting ahead of us.

Harris looked at me with a 'did I say something wrong?' facial expression.

I answered with a shrug.


Apparently, Harris and I had to part ways because he had a different class to attend to and I had Spanish.

On my way, Yara and her slutty friends were standing by the doorway. Nervous, I continued to walk passed them with my head down.

As much as possible I tried to pull off an invisible aura but it failed.

That Kid: Noah PryceWhere stories live. Discover now