Chapter 52

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A/N : Trigger warning ahead. You have been warned.



Today was an extremely tiring day.

Jenny and I went to a lake... just the two of us... And the best part of all, no Harris to ruin our moment.

After returning to this wretched house of mine, I went straight to my bedroom. I didn't like my own bedroom. This bedroom had been renovated already along with various areas of the house, but still, the memories here isn't something any renovations can eradicate.

This house used to be happy. And my bedroom used to be my favorite place of all. My dad would come up here and tell me stories. He would tuck me to sleep. He would teach me more drawing techniques... And he would also teach me a thing or two about girls.

I unconsciously laughed as I remembered the times when he gives me advises on how to get a girlfriend and how to not get a girl pregnant. During those times it was very much uncomfortable for a one-digit-year-old such as myself to hear such things but he didn't seem to mind what my age was.

"It's best you know these things when you're young. As soon as you get into your teens, you'd discover the wonders of pornography. Your hormones will start fantasizing on girls..."

And then I would slap him so he would stop and he would laugh goofily and he'd tell me he was only teasing me.

A tear started trickling down my cheeks upon visualizing my dad lying weakly on his bed. I remembered how cancer devoured his energy, his health, and eventually his life.

He died in this very house.

And the day before his death, he was in this very room.

My nose clogged due to the silent tears storming out my eyes, so I had to inhale through my open mouth. I wiped the tears with my palms and went on to finishing my sketch that had been interrupted by Jenny's interrogation earlier by the lake.

I was sketching her... like I always do. I've stopped doing this for quite some time now especially when my mom and I were temporarily living with them. I mean there really was no point since Jenny and I sleeps in the same bedroom. But now that I'm back here, sketching her is the only solution for me to stay sane.

"This bedroom sucks." There goes the voice in my head again. I was now adding some details on Jenny's eyes. I paused for a moment to admire her eyes. At first, it was the drawing I was ogling at but after a while I started visualizing her actual eyes.

God I love her. I love her so much my whole chest cavity would explode.

I traced my fingers on the drawn lips, imagining it was her actual lips. Somehow dazing off with an image of Jenny in mind, I lifted the sketchpad to my face and pressed my lips on the part where Jenny's lips were drawn.

I wished it was her actual lips I was kissing.

In my mind, I began to imagine her in full-- head to toe. I closed my eyes with a heavy exhale. When I opened them, Jenny was standing to the side of my chair.

I stirred in my seat and gulped the lump forming in my throat. She was smiling. Her smile is beautiful. She was staring deep into my eyes. Her eyes are beautiful. Her lips moved like she was saying something yet I couldn't hear her.

To my surprise, she straddled on top of my lap. Her hands circled around my neck as she leaned her face closer to mine until our lips locked. Our lips were moving in sync-- movements filled with much craving and hunger for each other's taste.

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