🌹Chapter Three🌹

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🌹R O S E🌹


"As you know, Mr. Knight will be taking over the company for now on" Mr. Selone says the next day at work, he and his wife have been packing all his stuff. I nod my head at his words. He had asked me to his office. "Of course there will be a few changes around here, as I have to fire the whole staff on this floor-" He begins to say. "But not me, why?" I ask.

I know I shouldn't ask those things, or interrupt him. "Sweetie, you're different" Mrs. Selone speaks, she's always so kind to me, even if we've only known each other for about a week. "Different?" I ask, raising my eyebrows, not even sure what she means by that.

"Of course. I've seen the secretaries that my dear husband has had over the years and you are the only one I actually like" She tells me, she must tell that to every secretary that he has had. I give her a confused look. "All the other ones are just there for the money" She says.

But I'm here for the money, I'm working this job to have money to start my own business. I give her an even more puzzled look. "By trying to seduce my husband" She explains to me. "Oh" I whisper. That is just wrong, trying to seduce someone's husband.

I understand that some women like older men, but married man, that's where I draw the line. "That's why you're different" She says, understanding the look that had made its way over to my face. "If my beautiful wife is finished talking, I'd like to have my secretary back" Mr. Selone says.

I let out a giggle. "Fine" Mrs. Selone says, not really happy with it. She continues to pack his stuff into brown paper boxes. Mrs. Selone is a very organized person and I'm not allowed to help because she wants to do this on her own and have everything where it's supposed to be.

"As I was saying before, Mr. Knight will be taking over. You will be his secretary and the same rules apply to him as they do to me. However, I've heard he's difficult to handle, so I'd like to help you out. Once every week, you can call me at any time and ask me anything about anything and everything" He says, with a smile.

"That's very nice of you, thank you so much" I tell him. If Mr. Knight is as difficult as Mr. Selone says then I will need all the help I can get. This really is a generous offer and I'm sure that I will take it. "Now, I need you to finish going over those files" He says and hands me a few files to go over.

"All right" I reply and take with the files. I go to my office to go over the files that were handed to me. I feel sad that Mr. Selone is leaving, but there is nothing I can do or say about it. This is the business and I should learn something from this.


"Tonight will be amazing, trust me" Lena says as I get into her car after work. She's been looking forward to tonight the whole day and didn't stop texting me about it, I had to turn the sound off on my phone to be able to work. The text messages were a bit distracting.

She drives me home and forces me to take a shower after an hour, while she's getting ready. Lena's the type of girl who parties every weekend and she has got the hang of how to get ready in just one and a half and hour to get ready for one. I know we aren't going to a party but the dress code is the same.

She drops me off at my apartment and I go inside. Now I just need to wait for about an hour until I can take a shower and get ready for the bar thing that Lena's taking me to. I just know that tonight will a night that I'm not going to like but I'm doing this for Lena.

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