🌹Chapter Forty - Four🌹

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🌹R O S E🌹


The ball is in less than four hours and I'm honestly so nervous about it, more nervous than I have ever been in my entire life. Add all the other times that I've been nervous in my life together and more, that is how nervous I am. But, I don't let anyone know how nervous I am.

On the outside I look calm as a daisy, but on the inside. Well, lets just say that there is a hurricane in my head and my body is going through a storm. I'm going insane here from the nervousness in my body tag this moment. I'm back at the hotel and in the penthouse.

I start thinking of the wonderful day that I've had with Alexander. Ever since we left the hotel in that car and went to the mall, I've had so much fun. The mall was so big and we didn't even go through all the shops, but we did go through a lot of them.

Not only did we shop for clothes, but also objects and things like that, and also jewelry. It only took about. Three hours and by then the time was already ten in the morning and we hand a lot of things to see and shop. I actually feel kind of sorry for his bodyguard.

Each time we went to a store and bought something and not just for me, Alexander bought something for himself too, anyway his bodyguard who I learned is named Austin takes the bags from us and takes them to the car, and then quickly returns to us to do the same.

I don't know he does it, but he can run fast and always be on time and find us wherever we are, even when neither I or Alexander tell him where we are. I bought clothes and outfits for myself, and also something for Lena. She will forgive me if I buy her something, or at least I am hoping that is enough.

Turning off my phone for the time being while we are on this trip is something that I decided to do so that I won't constantly be declining phone calls. Anyway, after we had spent three hours at the mall, we went to the Eiffel Tower and checked that out.

It was amazing and I would like to go there again. We went up, or as up as we could go and I couldn't believe that I was actually on the Eiffel Tower for real, I really felt like fainting or something from all the excitement and even now when I'm here in the hotel, I wish I was back there by that tower.

We spent about an hour exploring the area around the tower and the tower itself, until the time was about eleven and it was time for lunch. Alexander wanted us to eat lunch early, and we'd eat early dinner so we wouldn't be hungry at the ball.

It is a charity ball and there is offered food there, but he said that the food is always little and doesn't make you full and the fact that it doesn't taste that very good. And I'm going to take his word for it because my mom always eat a full meal after she came from balls or other events that she had to go to.

However, not once did I hear her complain about the food, I suppose she never even ate the food to begin with because she ate when she came home. I remember that each time she came from something like this, the chef made her food when she came home.

Most of the time I was fast asleep, but sometimes I would sneak downstairs and we would talk while she ate, and few times I'd get some food too. She always made me brush me teeth afterward but it was worth it, the food that the chef makes is amazing to me. Food is amazing in general, especially the food that Alexander makes.

My thoughts always wander around to him about everything, every thought that I think somehow always turns into a thought about him, it's annoying but I do like it. We eat at this fancy restaurant, which we weren't dressed for, as it was like super fancy.

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