🌹Chapter Eleven🌹

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🌹R O S E🌹


I ended up staying the night with at my mom's mansion. We talked into the night, one of the cooks had brought us food in the theater room for dinner. I slept in my old room, and the memories from my childhood kept popping into my head, as I sleep in there.

In the morning, I dress myself into some normal clothes and go downstairs to the kitchen. My mother is waiting for me at the dining table, where there is always tons of food for us for breakfast. My mom always had the cooks make a lot of breakfast and then every maid or butler or cook can sit by the table and eat with us.

I notice that everyone is seated by the table, one chair is empty. My chair. I always sat on the right side of my mom. Ever since I was a child. "You grow more beautiful every time I see you" Samantha, the head maid tells me. She's been working here since I was ten years old. "Thank you" I smile at her.

We start eating and we all chatted together, none of them asked about my recent lost of a job. I think my mom told them not to mention it. We talked about old times and how everyone misses having me around. But, I told them I want to do everything by myself from now on, have an apartment and a successful life. Like my mother did.

She started all on her own and I want to be like that. The food is always delicious from the cooks, I just love their food. It's the food that I grew up with, sometimes my mom would make something in the kitchen on her own, but that didn't happen rather often.

She had a business to run. Breakfasts ends in the maids taking all the empty dishes and taking them ti the kitchen, and everyone leaves. It's only my mom and I at the table. "Will you be going back to your apartment later today?" She asks me.

"Yes, but I will try to visit more often, now that I'm out of a job, I won't be doing that much" I tell her with sadness in my tone. "I've been thinking, this Alexander Knight that fired you deserves to be taught a lesson. If you want we can take this matter to court where I know we'll win. A friend of mine is a judge, and she's all for female power. She hates when a man has bullied a woman for no reason. No matter how strong of a lawyer he has, he won't win" My mom says.

"Mom, I don't need help. I'll just find a new job and forget this jerk" I tell her. "And let him do this to you. Show him that as a male he has the power. You have to fight him, don't let him walk all over you because he was wrong about you. There's also something you need to see" She tells me, not even giving me a chance before she stands up and leaves the room.

I follow her out, confused at what she's doing. My mom is usually the type of person that always tells you everything, she's never really mysterious about anything and this makes her mysterious. It's like she's going to show me something she's hiding.

She takes me to the living room, the huge room that is the second largest room in the mansion. She sits on one of the couch in front of a small glass table. On top of the table is her laptop, her new laptop, created by her own company. Or one of her companies. She does have a company line, but she started with one and built it from scratch. That's what I want to do.

"Here is something you need to see. I had my secretary who has a decree in computer science and other computer related things, and she found out that you never made a single mistake and that's why this should go to court, as he never investigated everything, like a good boss should do" She tells me.

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