🌹Chapter Thirty - Five🌹

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🌹R O S E🌹


"Lena... you're... suffocating... me" I manage to say to her as she holds me in a tight grip, her arms are so strong, I had no idea that my own best friend was this strong. I have a hard time breathing, but even after my warning, she still doesn't let go of me and I feel like I'm going to faint any second now.

Pulling me inside her apartment, she closes the door and forces me to sit down by her kitchen table, then she finally lets go of me and I can finally breathe. It feels so much good to be able to breathe, and when your body isn't being squeezed so much and it does hurt.

My rips are aching from how tight her grip was. She sits on the other side and she has this look that I can't tell what is, but I can tell that she's not happy, but she's not angry. I have no idea why she's giving me that look, but I get this feeling that I don't want to know.

"You're going to tell me everything, and when I say everything, I mean every single detail of everything that you did" She orders me, the tone in her voice is one that tells me that I better do as she says or else and I don't really want to figure out what that else is.

"All right, all right. I'll tell you everything" I say to her, knowing that this will take a long time and if I skip even the smallest detail she will interrupt me and asks questions that I need to answer and then continue with the story, this will be hard.

She has her arms crossed over her chest and that always mean serious business, is it a bad thing that I don't want to tell her because of this very reason, she takes this far too seriously and it's not fun to tell her anything when she's like this. "Good, now you may begin" She tells me and then she looks at me, waiting for me to start telling the story.

I open my mouth to begin. "When I came to work few days ago, I was happy, because of my date with Alexander and I-" I start but she interrupts me. Are you kissing, I didn't even get to finish one sentence before she interrupted me. "On first names bases, are we?" She asks with a smirk, and I nod before I continue telling her the story of how everything happened.


I spent the whole day telling her the story of just few days, it's strange how that took so long. But, she kept asking question and interrupting me while I was telling her, she also wrote a few things down on a notepad, I don't know why, but then again, when she gets like this, it's best to not question it.

After dinner, we just watch something on Netflix and I do sleep over at her apartment, she practically forced me, but I did set up alarm at six so that I could go to my apartment and get ready for work since we will be going to work tomorrow.

While lying down in the bed, I keep thinking of everything that I did tell her, the things that have been happening to me are all unplanned and so unpredictable. Nothing could have prepared me for any of this, I never wanted any of this to happen.

I didn't want my life to be so strange and filled with confusion, but then again, you never always get what you want. I can't sleep, no matter how much I try. Perhaps that is because I keep thinking so much and the more I try to sleep, the more I keep thinking.

My thoughts just wander about Alexander and how crazy my life has become since I met him. It all started with him, and maybe it all ends with him, but I can't imagine my life without him. It's really strange how my opinion on him has changed.

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