🌹Chapter Thirty - Two🌹

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🌹R O S E🌹


Before Alexander has the time to talk, a soft knock on the door is heard. Are you kidding me? I just want to know the answers and now I never get the chance if everyone keeps interrupting him. It's like the world doesn't even want me to know.

"Enter" He yells out, and the grumpy guy is back, but the question is, was he ever gone to begin with? He does change when he's around me, but is it because he's around me or is it because he wants to be cruel to others and not me, wait that is the same thing.

A man comes inside the office, he's holding a stack of papers. "Sir, these need your signature before they will be shipped in the mail" He says, he's hesitant but that could be because he's afraid of the man sitting by the desk in front if me. The man doesn't even notice me, since he hasn't looked my way the whole time he's been here.

"Set them on my desk, you can pick them up by the end of the day" Alexander says, he's cruel and his voice is powerful, not once does he show emotion in his voice or in himself. I don't understand how he can do that, just change his personality too quickly.

The man nods his head and hesitantly comes deeper into the office, it's clear that he's afraid of Mr. Knight. I would be too if he would continue to talk to me like that, but he doesn't and I'm not afraid of him, not that I was ever afraid of him to begin with.

He sets the papers on his desk and then he hurries to get himself out of the office and closes the door. "I suppose I will need to sign all of them, raincheck on that talk?" He asks, though I can tell that he doesn't want to sign those papers and would rather want to talk with me, or at least I think that.

I stand up. "What will I be doing? I've never worked on the weekends" I tell him, this is new to me and I guess this will be my future one day since I will be the boss of my own company someday. My mom doesn't work on the weekends, though.

She never has, when I was little, she used to make so much time for me. The two of us were always together, and we were pretty close. And, we are pretty close still. "Just your usual work. The weekend is like all the other days, just you get paid a lot more" He says.

That does help me a lot, since I have no idea what I could do. On the weekends, he doesn't have a secretary, I have no idea how he does things then, but he does manage somehow. "It will be fine, you'll do great" He says and smile at me, it does give me confidence.

He probably noticed how afraid I was while walking over to the door connecting the offices. "Thank you" I tell him, and give him a smile in return. I open the door and walk into my office, it's exactly the same as it was yesterday when I left, only the flowers are dying a bit more than they were.

It makes me sad that flowers don't last very long. The beauty in flowers is extraordinary, like out of this world. Well, according to me and my mom, and my dad. Especially roses, they're the prettiest of all flowers in the world, that is what at least I think.


Work goes by like on a normal day in the week, but the only difference is that it's the weekend, but it doesn't feel like it. I didn't see Mr. Knight the whole work day, he was busy the whole day in his office, going over those papers and signing them. Apparently that takes forever, he hasn't even taken any breaks, lunch or bathroom breaks.

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