Chapter 20

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A/N: Ignore typos and grammatical errors.

Lucas's POV

I had officially lost it.

The wolves were divided into pairs for sparring on the basis of their endurance. And my mate was paired with my cousin David.

I didn't miss the way David looked at her, with those lustful eyes. Of course, he had a playboy reputation and I wasn't impressed that he had eyes on my mate, his Luna.

My blood was boiling and Leon was threatening to come to the surface.

He was chatting with her and she gave him a smile before she drew a circle around them. It took a lot of patience to stand and stare at them flirting.

"You okay Alpha?" asked Vincent warily. Brandon was standing a few feet away with an amused expression on his face.

Calming down a bit, I attempted to relax my tense shoulders.

"I'll be fine."

Vincent walked away and faced the wolves.

Oh what would I not do to train with her.


Moon Goddess, give me the strength to bear this.


The wolves got into position and started the exercise. But my eyes rested on my mate and my cousin.

Control your temper Luca, it is just sparring said Brandon through the mind-link.

Dismissing him, I made my way closer to the pair.

They were now pushing each other off the marked circular boundary with intertwined hands.

She should be holding our hand! howled my wolf.

Athie's right leg was stretched back, using all her strength to wrestle and push David off the boundary.

My mate never gives up, does she?

David was using all his strength to push her off too. The scene made me jealous of him, I wanted to spar with her!

Suddenly, David lifted the weight he was pushing her with and my mate came crashing down. My mate fell on David's body and he cocooned her with his arms around her waist, laughing.


I need control, now howled Leon.

Giving him control, I saw myself marching my way down to the pair in a fit of rage.


I was holed up in my office the whole day.

What happened in the morning was still looming around and everyone, including Brandon had left me to cool down.

Hence here I was, reviewing the information Jared had emailed, which included the blue print of the arena.

I had not faced my mate or even Aunt Elena since then and straightaway walked into my office post bashing up my cousin.

He deserved it said Leon in a satisfied tone.

I know, he touched what's mine.

I wouldn't shy away from doing it again howled my wolf.

Shutting him off, I decided to concentrate on the blue prints. I was surprised that Jared had even got hold of this, but I had no right to ask him the source considering that he was helping.

The arena looked very sophisticated at first, but seemed like there were underground structures below.

The underground pavilion was where our mate killed a hunter. How did the hunter even get there?

I had struck gold.

The blueprints were a boon. I had to share this information with Brandon. I mind-linked him immediately.


"So you are telling me that there is a tunnel system underneath the arena? Like a secret passageway?" asked Brandon standing by the window.


"And that is how the hunters got in undetected?"

"Yes, I believe so" I said, looking at the crescent moon illuminating the common square.

"How did the hunters get to know about it?"

"I don't know. We should find out."

"We should as-" started Brandon but stopped, listening to the echoing sounds coming from afar.

Athena and Ariana were walking arm in arm, laughing about something. They were dressed in casual clothes and not the sports attire they were wearing in the morning, walking towards the Warrior House.

My mate is so beautiful.

"What happened in the morning, do you want to talk about it?" asked Brandon softly.

"I don't think there is anything to talk about."

My eyes were glued to the two women. Suddenly, Ari turned her back in the direction of our house and started running. As she vanished into the darkness, my eyes went to my mate.


My mate was talking to David on the porch. And she was smiling.

Fucking smiling.

My eyes were golden with Leon surfacing again.

"Alpha, you may want to calm down-", however I did not let Brandon complete.

I ran with inhuman speed to the back side of the Warrior House and climbed her side of the window. I wanted to teach her a lesson. Dare she flirt with any other man.

She is MINE! Only MINE!

Sitting in her bed, I realised that this is the first time I was in her room. Sitting at the edge of the bed, I was waiting for her to arrive, taking a whiff off the bedsheet.

My mate's scent.

Her scent calmed me down but she deserved punishment for making me jealous. For flirting with my cousin.

The door opened and Athie looked shocked to see me.

"Hello Athie. How are you?"


Athena - The Luna WarriorOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant