Chapter 27

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Athena's POV

"Thank you all for being here. We have been through so much in the past month, and yet here we are enjoying a good breakfast, all with the blessings from the Moon Goddess" said Lucas.

He was at the central table, flanked by his family and Brandon. I was seated at the Warrior table which was placed slightly right to the central one.

"We have seen so many things in our past. Ever since I have become Alpha, ever since my father's death, we've been through so much. But we are miles ahead of where we were two years ago. But now we are being subjected to harm only because we are different species and when not all those we see outside the realm are perpetrators, the ones who bring harm to us shall be dealt with."

The pack roared in cheers. Apparently Lucas was a very good orator and could communicate well with the pack. My heart soared looking at my mate, I was indeed proud of him. But did I possess the same talents as him? Would I make a good Luna?

"Now, I would like our current Luna," Lucas found my eyes for a few milliseconds, causing me to skip a beat, and turned to his left, "my mother, to announce the commencement of the event."

Luna Irene stood up with grace, as if she had rehearsed the move all her life. She looked around the room and the room stared right back at her.

"Mangiamo!" her voice broke the silence of the room.

Soon after, everybody started rummaging through the containers of food placed on their respective tables.


Lucas and Brandon rushed out of the pack house after they had done eating. My eyes trailed them until they were out of sight. My mate had not even turned around to acknowledge me.

We really need to execute stage two.

"They are always busy you know."

I turned to see Timothy, the Vice Head Warrior munching on his omelette.

"Yeah they seem to be" I said, looking at the half eaten toast in my hand.

"Don't worry, they are nice people. I know that you are still trying to fit in, but they are the best we have ever had."

I gave him a lopsided smile.

"Yeah, Alpha Lucas and Beta Brandon seem to be very supportive."

Timothy returned a dimpled smile.

"Yes, they are indeed. But we have been through so much. Alpha Lucas took over after the death of his father, our former Alpha  Gabrielle. Things were much worse then. But I can assure you, Alpha Lucas is an excellent Alpha."

I nodded my head in agreement.

But would I be a good Luna?


"Training is at three, we need to get back by two at least."

The Luna Special Breakfast had come to an end and we were on our way shopping.

"Yeah, yeah" mumbled Ari, steering down the road, "I am more surprised that you did not make a fuss this time."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"You had me trapped when you said I can get back at Lucas."

She flashed me a wide toothed smile.

"Oh, someone wants to make their mate jealous."

"Oh the hell you know I want to. My mate is thick headed and narrow minded. And I really want to change that. Except I don't know if this plan will really work."

It was Ari's turn to roll her eyes.

"Oh, let me assure you. It will work."


"No way! This is way too small!"

Shopping with Ari was the most painstaking thing ever. She kept throwing dresses that were high up the ground, threatening to reveal my underwear.

"Do you really want the plan to go through or not?"

"Of course I do, but not with skimpy clothes on!"

"Well, then let us get you a nun's costume."

I huffed in annoyance.

"See, you need to show off those sexy curves and those hot legs Luca loves. The more you show, the more jealous he will be."

"Okay fine! Get me something decent than this one then."

Ari rummaged through the clothes in her hand. By the looks of it, it simply seemed like she was pretending, however, my eyes were following her hand movements.

"This or this..or this..."

My eyes caught a black dress beneath the blue one she had held.

"Which one?"

"The black one, below the blue."

Dropping all the dresses to her right, she held out the back one. It was all black and had thin straps.

"This one, I am going to try this one."


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