Five Hearts As One

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(3rd Person POV)

Val, Jay, Evie, and Carlos are all standing on the balcony in front of the choir. Jay turns to Val and they share a grim look. Val looks to Evie and pats her hand. Evie looks to Carlos who is holding Dude and watching as Ben enters the room. We all bow as Ben makes his way to the front. Fairy Godmother takes Beast's crown as Ben kneels in front of the wand. She then places the crown on Ben's head. Beast then lifts the glass around the wand. Mal looks up at Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Val's grim faces before looking back at the wand. Belle then hands Fairy Godmother the wand.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother asks Ben.

"I do solemnly swear," Ben answers.

"Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new king," Fairy Godmother says as she touches the wand to each of Ben's shoulders. Val notices that Jane is sneaking to the front, so she takes off down the stairs. By the time Val had reached Mal, Jane already had the wand. A spark flew out of the wand and little did everyone in Auradon know that it but a hole in the barrier around the Isle.

(Val POV)

"Child, what are you doing?!" Fairy Godmother yells at Jane. I stand beside Mal and Ben stands in front of us.

"If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself! Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" Jane yells out.

"Take cover!" Beast yells as he stands in front of Fairy Godmother and Belle. Mal and I look at each other and I give her nod. Mal rushes forward and fights with Jane over the wand.

"Careful, Mal!" Belle calls out. Mal is able to get the wand and I go stand beside her. Jay, Evie, and Carlos run from the balcony before joining us. Mal holds the wand with two hands in front of her. The crowd gasps.

"Mal, give me the wand," Ben says as he stands in front of her.

"Stand back," Mal says making the crowd gasp.

"It's okay," Ben says taking a step forward.

"Ben, I said stand back!" Mal says.

"I told you so!" Audrey says as she takes a step forward. Mal turns to her with the wand making the crowd gasp and back up.

"Let's go!" Carlos says.

"Revenge time," Jay states.

"You really want to do this?" Ben asks.

"We have no choice, Ben!" Mal states.

"Our parents..." I begin to explain.

"Your parents made their choice. Now you make yours," Ben explains. Mal looks at Beast and Belle, then Fairy Godmother, and then at me. I give her a reassuring nod.

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