Welcoming The New Arrivals

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Val is looking out towards the Isle with a pair of binoculars trying to find any sign of Uma. Jay sneaks up behind Val before hugging her causing her to let out a squeal. Val lightly hits Jay's shoulder causing him to laugh.

"Not a tentacle in sight," Val says as she looks out at the water.

"I think if Uma was up to something, we'd know by now," Jay tells her.

"No, Jay, we know how villains think. And I don't trust Uma, as far as I can throw her. She's gonna wait until our defenses are down and then, that's when she's gonna strike," Val explains. "I really wish I had time to go do a dragon flyover because I can go so much higher." Val goes to look through the binoculars again but Jay grabs them.

"Well, you can't be everywhere at once," Jay says causing Val to look at him. "Besides, you've got to be there for your sister. Now, come on."

"Here they come," Evie tells Doug excitedly as the crowd starts cheering. Doug then gets the band to start playing. Ben leads Mal onto a platform as Val and Jay stand beside Evie.

"Stay," Fairy Godmother tells Mal as she tries to walk off the platform. Ben wraps an arm around Mal's waist as they wave to the people before the band stops.

"Bippity-boppity, one, two, one, two. Can everybody hear me?" Fairy Godmother asks through a microphone.

"Yes," Jane answers her from Carlos' side. Fairy Godmother then hands the microphone to Ben.

"Thank you, Fairy Godmother," Ben says through the microphone before looking out at everyone. "What's up, Auradon? Thank you. Thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon." Everyone cheers besides Chad, Audrey, and Queen Leah. "It worked out pretty well for the first five."

"Yeah, especially for you," Chad says earning a glare from Audrey.

"Mal, this is the exact spot we first met not so long ago. I feel like I've known you my whole life. But did I mention, I'm in love with you?" Ben says as he turns to Mal causing her to smile at him. Mal looks over to Evie, Jay, Val, and Doug, who are joined by Carlos, as Doug starts playing guitar.

"Aw," Mal says as she covered her mouth in shock.

"I met this girl That rocked my world

Like it's never been rocked

And now I'm living just For her and I won't ever stop

I never thought that It could happen to a guy like me," Ben sings as he and Mal walk in a circle before Mal looks out at everyone in happy shock. "But now look At what you've done

You got me down on my knee." Mal turns back to Ben, who is now on his knee. He hands the microphone to Carlos before pulling out a box. "Mal, it's you and me. It's you and me forever. Will you marry me? Will you be my Queen?"

"No!" Audrey screams.

"Yes," Mal answers Ben with a huge smile on her face.

"Yes, yeah!" Val cheers before everyone starts cheering.

"Oh, my..." Mal says in shock as Ben slides the ring on her finger before they kiss. Carlos turns around before him and Beast chest bump.

"I am so sorry," Carlos quickly tells Beast.

"It's okay," Beast tells him before he turns to Belle, who gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"Makes our movie nights seem a little tame," Doug says as he and Evie watch Mal and Ben on the screen.

"I love y..." Evie starts as she turns to Doug. "Movies."

"Me too," Doug tells her.

"I'm engaged, man," Ben cheers as he walks over to Carlos, Jay, and Doug.

"What, did you know?" Mal asks as she walks over to Evie and Val.

"Everything," Val and Evie say together as they hug Mal.

"You are going to rock that crown," Val tells her sister causing her to smile and hug her.

"Okay. So I've only done about 1,000 sketches of your wedding dress, and Belle's already planned an engagement party next week," Evie explains to Mal before they look over at Belle and Beast.

"Well, it's a really good thing I said yes," Mal says excitedly as she walks over to Beast and Belle.

"All bow to Her Royal Majesty," Jay says as he, Val, Evie, and Carlos step towards Ben and Mal.

"Oh, yes, her Royal Purple-ness," Carlos adds as they all bow to Mal.

"Silence, you annoying peasants," Mal says as she waves at them before walking off.

"As you wish, my liege," Jay calls as she walks.

"Your Crankiness," Carlos adds as they all laugh.

"Okay. Let's do this," Ben calls as he and Jay fist bump. A purple limo with the license plate 'Mal' pulls up behind them. Jay and Val get into the front while Evie, Carlos, Mal, and Ben get into the back.

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