About The Cotillion

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(Val POV)

"Oh!" Mal calls out as Evie pulls her shoulders back. Evie then zips up Mal's dress. I'm already in my dress, which is green. "Okay, Evie, I cannot breathe."

"Well, you can breathe after Cotillion," Evie states.

"Well, I sincerely doubt that. I have at least 20 more events directly behind it, and I can't even remember what a single one of them is," Mal explains.

"That's why you have me here to help you," I say as I give Mal a small smile. Truth be told I was going just as crazy as she was.

"Impeccable," Evie says as she looks at mine and Mal's dresses.

"Evie? Val?" Mal asks getting our attention. "Do you ever think about what we'd be doing if we were back on the Isle right now?"

"Yes," I answer at the same time Evie says, "That's funny."

"Ah! Look who's on TV," Evie says as she turns up the TV.

"As the royal couple continues their tour of the kingdom, they dined with Aladdin and Jasmine," The lady on TV says. I tried to go to as many of these events as I could with Mal to help her out. "Six months ago no one thought King Ben and his girlfriend from the wrong side of the bridge would last."

"Yeah. No kidding," Mal says as she sits on her bed. I change out of my dress.

"Mal must be counting the days until the Royal Cotillion when she will officially become a Lady of the Court," The lady explains.

"Did you read..." I go to ask Mal but she jumps up and grabs the book along with the spell book.

"Read it fast at lightning speed. Remember everything I need," Mal recites as she starts reading the book quickly.

"I know Mal's secret to fitting in, and Ben wouldn't like it one bit. Haven't you guys had enough secrets between the two of you already?" Evie says as she walks over to Mal.

"Evie, you remember what I was like before I started using my spell book. Even with the help of Val. I mean, I was a complete disaster," Mal explains.

"Well, personally, as your best friend, I strongly believe that this spell book.." Evie says as she grabs the spell book.

"Ah!" Mal says as she reaches for the book.

"it belongs in the museum, along with my mirror," Evie finishes and Mal pouts. "Don't give me the face. Put the pout away. Mm-hmm. You know I'm right."

"You don't ever miss running wild and just breaking all the rules?" I ask Evie as I walk over and sit beside Mal, who nods along with me.

"Like stealing and lying and fighting?" Evie asks.

"Yeah!" Mal answers.

"No!" Evie says.

"What?" Mal and I ask at the same time.

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