Captain And Co-Captain

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(Val POV)

I decide to go find Lonnie. I find Lonnie waiting outside the gym.

"Are you excited?" I ask her.

"Yes!' She says as she pulls me into a hug and squeals. "Here this is for you." She hands me a cool looking uniform.

"Thanks," I say before we head for the restroom. I change and we look amazing.

"So, you and Jay?" Lonnie asks.

"Sorta. I guess. I don't know. I mean he hasn't exactly asked yet," I explain.

"Maybe he's just waiting for the right time. I totally ship you both," Lonnie says and I smile. Lonnie and I head into the gym to find the practice over.
"Let's bring it in, boys. Let's bring it in," Jay says and all of the guys circle around him. "All right. You all know I come from the Isle, right, where things are pretty whack. No, but there is one thing the Isle's got on Auradon. If you're strong, we want you by our side, girl or boy." I catch Jay's eyes and smile.

"Hey, Jay, hold on here. We don't... We don't break the rules here in Auradon. That's over on the Isle," Chad says. Jay pulls the rulebook out of his pocket.

"'The team shall be comprised of a captain, a co-captain and seven men.'" Jay reads. "So, uh... give it up for your new team co-captain." I walk out to where they can see me.

"Whoa! What?!" Chad says. Jay hands me the whistle before he steps back and claps. The team claps as well.

"Thank you," I say. "And now I give you, your new team captain." Lonnie walks out and I put the whistle around her neck.

"Thank you," Lonnie says as we all clap. Everyone but Chad bows to Lonnie.

"Fine," Chad says as he too bows. Lonnie blows the whistle.

"Give me 10! Come on, guys and lady," Lonnie says as she gives me a wink.

"1, 2..." We all count as we do pushups. Lonnie goes and puts a foot on Chad's back.

"Pick it up, Chad," Lonnie orders while we count "3, 4..."

"Nice form, Val," Lonnie says.

"6, 7, 8, 9, 10," We count before standing up. Lonnie blows the whistle.

"Okay, practice is over. Get out of here. Go get ready for Cotillion," Lonnie orders. Everyone starts to leave.

"Hey, Jay, Val," Lonnie says making us stop and turn back.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Wait until I tell my mom," Lonnie says and I give her a hug.

"I'll see you later," I tell her and she leaves. I turn to face Jay to find him on one knee. He has a rose and the bracelet in hand.

"Val, will you make the luckiest guy in the world and go to the Cotillion with me?" Jay asks. He really does care. Looks like I'm staying in Auradon.

"Yes!" I say as he stands up and I wrap him in a hug. I pull away and he returns the bracelet to my wrist.

"Let's get out of here," He says wraps an arm around my shoulders.

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