The Battle For The King

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(3rd Person POV)

"Hold up. Mm. Too easy. Why don't you give it a test drive? We want to see it work," Uma says.

"You always were quite the drama queen," Val says.

"Oh, and nothing too big, or else Ben is fish bait," Uma says. Val and Evie see Dude walk in.

"We're dead," Carlos whispers. Evie then whispers to Carlos that Dude is there. Mal looks to Val who shifts her eyes back to Carlos and Evie. Mal looks to Carlos and Evie and Carlos nods his head in Dude's direction.

"Okay," Mal agrees once she turns back to Uma. Mal walks over to rail of the bridge and faces Dude. "Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word!" Mal waves the wand around while everybody looks at each other. "Talk, dog."

"Does this vest make me look fat? Hey, does anyone have some bacon? Cookies?" Dude questions.

"Give me the wand!" Uma orders.

"Give me Ben!" Mal says.

"Harry, bring him over," Uma says and Harry does as told.

"Ooh, um, before you go, tell your mom that Gaston says hi and also tell your dad that my dad wishes he'd finished off your dad when he had the chance," Gil says to Ben when Harry brings him by Gil. Harry pushes Ben to his knees. Uma holds her hand out for the wand but Mal holds her hand out for Ben's hand.

"Oh. Cut him loose, Harry," Uma says.

"I never get to have any fun," Harry states. Ben and Mal grab hands before Mal hands Uma the wand.

"Yes!" Uma cheers.

"Ben, go!" Mal says as she pushes Ben back and the other VK's run back.

"Okay, okay. By the power of the sea, tear it down and set us free!" Uma calls out but nothing happens. "No!" Uma then breaks the fake wand.

"Ben!" Mal says as she shoves him back. Jay tips the bucket that has the swords while Carlos shoots a smoke bomb at Uma and her crew. Lonnie, Evie, Val, and Jay quickly grab a sword.

"You both do not get to win every time!" Uma calls out. Carlos shoots another smoke bomb at the crow's nest of the ship. "Get em!"

"Ben!" Evie calls as she tosses Ben a sword. Evie then starts fighting a pirate that is on a ladder. Lonnie starts fighting a pirate that is trying to help another pirate up. Mal tosses a pirate over the side of the bridge while the others run past her. Ben starts his own fight.

"Stay with me!" Jay tells Val as they fight their way through the pirates.

"Hello, Jay. Well, well, well," Harry says as he lands in front of Jay. Val was busy fighting the pirates behind Jay. Harry takes off his hat before drawing his sword to start fighting Jay. Mal and Uma are fighting.

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