1| He'll Never Hate You

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[iMessage between Kat and Matthew]

clary 🌸
hey mattie
[delivered 6:20 pm]

alec 🏹
don't call me that
[delivered 2:20 pm]

clary 🌸
you're such a party pooper you know that?
[deliverer 6:21 pm]

alec 🏹
so I've been told
is there a reason why
you're texting me at 2 am?
[ deliverer 2:21 am]

clary 🌸
what do you mean 2 am?
matt it's 6 pm
[delivered 6:22 pm]

yeah on your time zone
I'm not in the states you doofus
[delivered 2:22 am]

clary 🌸
where the hell are you then?
[delivered 6:23 pm]

alec 🏹
I'm in Dubai
[delivered 2: 23 am]

clary 🌸
since when?
[delivered 6:24 pm]

alec 🏹
since last night
[delivered 2:24 am]

alec 🏹
I literally just got back
to my hotel room like an hour ago
[delivered 2:24 am]

what the heck are you doing in Dubai?
[delivered 6:25 pm]

clary 🌸
also I'm very jealous and mad at you for not telling me you were going to Dubai 💔
[delivered 6:25 pm]

alec 🏹
I'm only going to be here for like a week then I'm flying back to NY. And the reason is because I wanted to get away from you know who for a little
[delivered 2:26 am]

alec 🏹
and also I'm sorry for not letting you know about my impromptu trip to Dubai it wasn't even in my mind to fly half way across the world
I'll make it up to you I promise ❤️
[delivered 2:26 am]

clary 🌸
you better or else I'm going to kick your ass
[ delivered 6:28 pm]

clary 🌸
Plus you can't hide from him forever Mattie. You two work together. You're going to have to face him eventually
[6:28 pm]

alec 🏹
i know but for right now just let me do this okay?
I don't want him to hate me for having feelings for him . He's my best friend and the thought of him hating me freaking sucks Kat and I can't face that right now
[delivered 2:29 am]

alec 🏹
and if anyone asks about me just tell them I'm away on some family thing and I even talked to my sisters and parents and they all agreed to cover for me if anyone asks where I am. You and them are the only people that know about my trip so please don't tell anyone okay?
[delivered 2:32 am]

clary 🌸
don't worry, i won't tell anyone until you tell them yourself whenever you're ready to do it.
And Matt....he'll never hate you
[delivered 6:33 pm]

alec 🏹
how do you know that? For all we know he probably already figured it out and is probably disgusted by the fact that we have to act as a couple on tv
[delivered 2:34 am]

clary 🌸
like I said. He could never hate you, Matt. That man loves you and ever since you ditched us last night/ morning for your little trip he's been asking a lot about you and shit he's worried sick about you so just message or call him to let him know where you are okay?
[delivered 6:36 pm]

alec 🏹
I will. Soon.
just tell them I'm okay and I'll be back soon
and Kat? don't tell anyone about me being in love with my co-star please
[delivered 2:38 am]

clary 🌸
I'd never do that to you, Matt, okay?
my lips are sealed for whenever you're ready to come out and tell them and him about those feelings you have. Don't wait to long or else you'll miss that chance alright? I'll let you get some rest. Message me when you're awake or something love you ❤️
[delivered 6:39 pm]

clary 🌸
And I'll tell you one last thing
he'll never hate you, Mattie
[delivered 6:40 pm]

alec 🏹
okay, love you too kitty kat. Let the gang know that I'm good and to not send the FIB, CIA and police to search for me when I went missing last night. And I'll tell him,but not now, promise. I love you too KitKat, talk to you in a few hours ❤️
[delivered 2:41 am]

clary 🌸
okay, love you too sweets 💞
[read 2:42 am]

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