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 I'd like to say I was looking forward to Valentine's Day, but that would be a lie. A group outing with the soccer team was not what I'd had in mind. Our relationship was still new, but it would have been nice to be alone. Nate showed up with a bouquet of flowers that he seemed very proud of, and a box of chocolates that I had no interest in eating. I thanked him, gave him a kiss for the effort, and choked down one of the candies. I'd gone hunting with Mom and Asa the night before just in case dinner sucked. We went to a pizza parlor that was owned by the parents of one of the guys on the team for a family style dinner. At least we weren't actually having pizza. It was a cute little place, even if it wasn't the most ideal location for the most romantic day of the year.

 One of the last couples to arrive, Mark's parents seemed excited to see us, which was sweet. They'd pushed several tables together in the center of the room so that we could all eat together, we just about had the place to ourselves. There was a candle in the middle of each little square table. They were battery operated, but still. As the serving bowls were passed around, Nate explained that this was the second year they'd done this.

 "Who else is new this year?" I asked. When none of the other girls answered, Nate did. 

"Just you babe," he said. 

"Oh," I replied. 

 Once we all had what we wanted on our plates, the bowls and platters settled at various places around the table. I'd managed to have the meatballs end up right next to me. During dinner I took a few more, hoping no one would notice. I did actually really like the ravioli however and complimented Mark's mom on it when she came by to refill our glasses. She told me with a chuckle that it had been her dad's creation "many moons ago." I kept hearing the other girls refer to themselves as the soccer wives all throughout the meal.

 "You guys aren't married though," I said. I was only teasing, but every chick at that table turned and looked at me like I'd just said something horribly offensive. "Jeeze, I was just playing," I muttered. 

 As my cheeks turned red, I angrily thought about how I could probably kill every person in this building in under a minute. After all, Anthony had been yapping earlier in the day about a St. Valentine massacre or something, so it would fit. I'd have loved to tell that bitch Lindsey that if I wanted, I could wear her intestines as a belt and her liver as a hat. I'd still look better than her, over there with that cheap-ass dress trying desperately to show off her nonexistent cleavage. I must say I've got a much better rack, and I'll still have it when she's been dead in the ground for a hundred years. Hunting last night had definitely been a good idea. 

For dessert Mark's mom brought out homemade ice cream for us all to share. Meals were more enjoyable when I didn't have to pretend I liked foods that were at the bottom of my list. I tried to focus on Nate. He made it easy for me and fed me bites of the far too sweet goop. It was pretty sexy. Later in his car, parked at the soccer field, as usual, he enjoyed tasting it on my lips. As he kissed me hard, the sweetness of the ice cream faded and I could taste him again, which I liked much better. I'd hoped my first Valentine's Day as half of a couple would have been a little more romantic. I know this much, if we're together next year, we'll not be joining the "soccer wives" a second time. 


I was super excited for my first Valentine's Day with Seth. I'd bought some sexy underwear just for the occasion. It wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. A little different, a little smaller, but not too bad. I was hoping we could experience another first together. I had my own plans for the evening, but I didn't know exactly what we were doing during the day. He'd kept it a surprise, but gave me enough information that I could be prepared. I knew we were going to Seattle, and that I should wear a pair of shoes good for walking. I kept trying to guess, and he let me because he said I'd never figure it out. He'd been right. When we got to our destination and I saw all the other people standing around, I started to figure it out. From the chatter around me, I could tell we were about to go on a tour. I couldn't tell what kind from the crowd. It was a varied group made up of mostly couples, but not all.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IIIKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat