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 I could hardly believe it. My beautiful Amy was here, in my old house. Now it would be hers, soon it would be ours. My parents were all too happy to let us have it. I was glad that I'd thought ahead and gotten it ready. When I came a couple of weeks earlier, it looked abandoned, just as it had been for years. 

 Asa and I had gotten the outside ready with his gift, and help from a power washer. I cleaned, while he went back and forth killing weeds and bringing Mom's long-dead flowers back. There was plenty of landscaping in the back for him to work on, plus the pool was in sorry shape so that took a lot of work. I wanted it to be pristine and ready for fun on the very first day. On the inside, we did a lot of dusting and added some fresh coats of paint to a few walls that looked faded. It kept me busy and made me more hopeful about our future. I felt really good when the house was ready. 

I knew things would happen quickly when Amy left, but it still took me by surprise. Aunt Alice called my cell phone. She skipped saying hello and went right into it. "She's about to call you, go get the phone." 

I don't think I even hung up my cell before running downstairs to get the house phone. I was so happy to hear her voice at first, but it was difficult to hear how upset she was. After we hung up, I was ready to jump out of my skin, literally. 

"Anthony!" Mom called as I was taking off my clothes. "Don't phase, you said you would pick her up. Take my car, there will be more room for their things." 

"Oh, right." 

Mom and I had already decided that it might be best if she and Dad waited to meet Amy until she knew the truth about us. I would have had to tell her they are my siblings or cousins, and I didn't want to ever lie to her if I could avoid it. I took the keys from Mom and passed by Mollie and Seth on my way out. 

"Guys, will you bring over groceries?"

 There were a few things there, not many because I wanted them to have fresh things, not stale and expired. They would already have some canned stuff since that couldn't go bad, but they would need a lot more. 

"Yeah, what should we get?" Mollie said standing up. 

"Um, I dunno basic stuff. Bread, milk, cereal, snacks, little kid food, they need all of that. Amy likes pizza. She likes pizza and shrimp." 

I shouldn't have been surprised that Swan felt the need to be involved, too. She meant well, but I was going to have a talk with her about scaring the crap out of Amy like that. As Daisy discover girly toy, after girly toy, I'd never been so happy that my sister had been spoiled. To be honest, though, a lot of the things were brand new and just for her, from me. 

 After the pack had spent so much time over there, I had a decent idea of the things she liked. Amy had been a little harder to buy for. She spent most of her time trying to tiptoe around Randy or taking care of Daisy. I knew for sure she loved music, so I got a top of the line vinyl player and a few records of her favorite bands.  I wasn't sure how she'd feel about being showered with gifts, but I wanted to treat her the way she deserved to be treated. 

Seth came upstairs to tell Amy that he had let Lucky outside. "Cool dog you got there," he said. 

She smiled and nodded. "Yup, that's my buddy," she said. 

"You guys are all stocked up!" Mollie said, popping out from behind him.

 "We're gonna head out," Seth said. "We are going out to the beach, and Swan has play practice tonight." 

Before they all left, Swan showed Daisy a couple of her old favorites that she had somehow missed. It didn't escape my notice that she would talk to Swan, but not to me. I tried not to let it hurt my feelings, I could hardly blame the kid for being wary of me. I knew I must have looked a little scary to her.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IIIWhere stories live. Discover now