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I knock on Alex's door three times in a sepcific pattern so he knows it's me as my hair drips down onto my shirt, the sound of the storm growing overwhelmingly loud.

It's been 3 hours and the storm hasn't stopped yet.

I barely hear shuffling on the other side of the door before a smiley alex with messy hair comes into view "Laynie!"

He steps aside and l enter his house before he shuts the door.

"Dude you're soaking wet! Did you walk here?" alex asks

I chuckle "No l didn't, the storm is just reall-"

I jump as feel something licking my shoes.

l look down and see bellatrix wiping her face against my wet shoes.

"Trixie, you scared me!" l bend down to pet her and she immediately lays on her back asking for a belly rub.

Her being irresistible, l rub her belly with a smile as l watch a satisfyed grin spread across her little face.

Alex and l chuckle at her reaction.

"Jesus, you're gonna get sick, come with me." he grabs my hand and leads me to his bedroom, Trixie following close behind.

He shuffles through his drawer a bit before tossing me a black hoodie and grey sweatpants.

I thank him and get inside the bathroom to change.

Once I'm done changing, l walk out of the bathroom and sit down next to Alex on his bed.

"So, how was school?" he smirks, knowing I hate being left alone in that hell of a nightmare.

I glare at him "You owe me a movie night with you and Trixie to pay for leaving me alone for a whole day."

"Done." he picks up bellatrix and sets her down on his lap. "How are Eli and Blair?"

"They're fine. We didn't really talk much today." l shrug. "But guess what?"


"Mom is coming back to Michigan today, her flight lands in about an hour. But she's bringing her family friends back with her and they're staying with us for a while and I'm really starting to consider moving in with you."

"Correct me if I'm wrong but l don't recall you guys having any family friends."

"That's the thing, we don't." l agree. "By the way, I'm dragging you along with me to the airport to pick mom up and meet the unwanted."

"Eh, sorry dogs aren't allowed in airports. You're on your own in this one." he shrugs.

"Well too freaking bad because we gotta go now." l point at my wrist watch.

"Na ah, you gotta go now." he corrects me as bellatrix jumps off his lap and almost immediately his phone starts ringing.

"Hey dad." he answers it.

"Can l just not go?"

"Fine, Laynie's forcing me to go to the airport to pick up her mom with her so I'll meet you at the hospital okay?"

"Love you too dad, bye." he hangs up.

"I'm gonna be getting my stitches out today. Since you're forcing me to come to the airport with you I'm forcing you to come to the hospital with me." he smirks.

"Deal. Fix you hair and I'll meet you downstairs." l pick up Trixie and make my way downstairs.

A few minutes later he comes down stairs with neat hair and fresh clothes. "I'm ready."

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