64 - Literal Idiots.

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I turn around to change my sleeping position and l slam into something hard.

I immediately recognize the sent of Ryder's cologne and mentally smile, feeling too exhausted to do so physically.

We must've fallen asleep together last night.

Without opening my eyes, l wrap an arm around his chest and bury my face in it only to realize that he's once again half naked.

It's the dead of winter and he still doesn't sleep without taking his clothes off. I would like to donate a pair of pyjamas to this man.

Considering that he's not awake and doesn't seem to mind it, not to mention my sleep is too important to open my eyes for this, l go along with it.

The feeling of his chest rising and falling with every breath is strangely calming.

In response, he wraps an arm around me and l lay my head on his shoulder.

"Goodmorning baby." he whispers groggily

I mentally melt into a puddle of awe but physically, my brain is screaming at me to go back to sleep.

"Bold of you to assume I'm awake at this unholy hour." l murmur, not caring what hour it is because it's still too early for me.

He deeply chuckles "It's ten in the morning, plus, you are awake."

"No I'm not."

"Then how are you replying to me right now?"

"I do that sometimes."

"Sleep talking?"

"Yes, now go back to bed."

"So you're tel-" the sound of a phone ringing interrupts him.

It's always his damn phone. Like l get having a life but this is way too much.

He groans and reaches for the phone on my night stand, his abs flexing as he moves.

What's a lady boner called? Well yeah, l have that right now.

Upon seeing the caller ID he clears his throat and answers the call. "Miles, hey."

The person on the other end, I'm assuming this dude named miles, speaks for a while before ryder replies with "Thank you! Yes, I sent it to her yesterday night." he explains "Oh lord no, you can keep the details." "Alright man thank you, I'll talk to you later." he hangs up the phone and puts it back on the night stand.

"Guess what?" he asks

"What?" l smile, finally opening my eyes and looking up at him.

"We can go back to having a normal life."

"Not to be depressing but I don't think that's possible." l mumble

"As normal as our lives are going to get."


"I made some deals and you all can go back home now."

"Really?" l ask, grateful and happy about the gesture but being with him, eli and alex only has been the safest I've felt in a while so as good as going back to living with mom might be I'm not that happy about it, not as happy as l should be at least.


"Of course, there's always a catch to it." l roll my eyes

"You're never allowed to leave the house without my permission and you're going to have to install security cameras, that goes for alex and eli as well."

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