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Thanks for coming back! I was going to post on Friday but I had no patience so here you go!

It took my brain a minute to realize who was in front of me, and then it hit me. This was the pirate I had 'met' on Uma's ship a year ago. Well, I don't know if you could call the run-in a meeting, but it was something of the sort.

I think back to that day, forcing my mind to bring out the finer details of that encounter which I hadn't given much thought to.

Evie had told me that Ben and Mal had gone to the Isle, and somehow Ben was kidnapped by Uma and her crew. After explaining the plan to trick Uma with a fake wand, she told me that they would need as much backup as they could get. Lonnie was already going along, but she knew my sword-fighting skills were of a different level, even if I never tried for the school fencing team. My parents - especially my mom - always emphasized the importance of being able to defend yourself, and enrolled me in sword fighting classes from when I began to walk. I gladly agreed, plus, I had always wanted to see the Isle in person.

During the fight, I remember being taken by surprise by one pirate. He swung from the ropes attached to the sail on the ship and swooped down right in front of me. To this day I remember the bizarre way in which he approached me - considering we were in the middle of a battle.

"Hello there, princess. Seems we're on opposite sides, we should probably fight eh?"

What an odd way to introduce yourself. I thought. If you want to fight, let's not waste time talking.

Our swords clashed - he put up a better fight compared to any of Uma's other crew. Must be the son of a skilled pirate.

"I'm Harry Hook, son of Captain Hook," He had said while attempting to catch his breath. "But I think you already know that." He waved his hook in my face.

Of course, the hook. That makes a lot of sense.

"And what's your name princess? Care to tell me?"

At that point Evie was calling my name, telling me it was time to go.

Now that I think about it, he did most of the talking - I was just focused on defending myself and getting out of there!

"Sorry, maybe some other time. Nice meeting you!" I called back, already running toward Evie and the safety of the limousine.

"You never told me your name," a voice snapped me back into the present. The pirate had made himself comfortable next to me on the bench, but maintained a respectable 'Auradon' distance from me. I wonder how he knows that. Does the Isle teach kids etiquette as well?

"Right, sorry. I'm (y/n). Daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin."

"Fancy, I had a hunch you were from one of those well-known royal families. You look the part."

I let out a small laugh. "If I look that fancy then why was I sitting alone on a bench, probably looking miserable?"

"That's one thing that baffles me, but it's a story you'll have to tell me later," His eyes gleamed in the moonlight.

"Later, what are you doing now? And why do you assume we'll be speaking again later?" I didn't mean to come across as rude, but I didn't know what to expect of someone who just came off the Isle.

"Questions later," he stood up and held his hand out towards me. "Would you like to dance?" He stood there waiting for a response. I hesitated, weighing the pros and cons, and the high probability of him being evil.

"What, don't you trust me?" With his hand outstretched, I felt a sudden parallel to the story I had heard a million times of my mother and father and their magic carpet ride.

I smiled and decided to take his hand. He twirled me around, and within seconds we had merged into the center of the celebration. I guess this is a night for taking chances after all.

Sorry this chapter is a bit short, it's more a transitional one to fill in some blanks about (y/n)'s personality. Until next week, do you have any favourite Descendants characters you would like to be weaved into this story? Tell me in the comments!

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