Painfully Uninvolved

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We finally get to see Harry's POV - time for the truth! (Go back and reference previous chapters if you want a refresher on key events :)) Harry's dialogue is all/mostly in italics for reasons you're soon going to find out about!

Harry's POV

When was the last time I felt entirely normal? I could barely remember. Ah yes - it was at Ben's castle with (y/n) - ever since Lydia 'bumped' into me the next day, I was different. My mind was being manipulated and I didn't even realize it until I had entirely lost control.

Flashback to the events halfway through "Rotten to the Core"...

She leaned against the wall at the other side of the room - grasping her left wrist tightly. I wanted nothing more than to run over and just hug her.

"Feel free to sit down." I laughed.

"I'll stand." She seemed - for the first time ever - scared. Of me.

"Suit yourself."

I used all my brainpower to keep my mouth shut - but it just wouldn't. Whatever Lydia's put on me is strong - real strong.

"I'm going to stop you there." She interrupted. "That was amazing Harry - top-notch acting. How long have you been working out this prank? You almost had me believing what you said for a moment - imagine that!" No (y/n).

"I'm not joking - you really are crazy." SHUT UP HARRY!

"Let it go, Harry, I figured it out - wow Uma and Johnny are going get a kick out of this."

My legs moved under me, and somehow I was standing opposite her, threateningly.

"I said it nicely - but somehow it didn't get through to you - so we're going to try it this way. Listen, because this is the last time I'm saying it - maybe even the last time I have to speak to you if I'm lucky. Us together? It was never a thing. You might have caught feelings for me - I don't blame you - but evidently they aren't reciprocated. Get over it - and move on." Why is Lydia doing this to me? I don't even know who she is...

"You're - you're horrible! How could you - playing with my feelings like that, messing with my emotions, toying with my heart?! You're everything I thought you weren't! Loathsome, atrocious, evil, and downright mean!" Does she believe this? Please figure this out princess - if anyone can, it's you...

"Princess, you're forgetting one - utterly, and irreversibly rotten to the core." You're the smartest, kindest person I know.... I hate to see you hurt. And the thought of me being the one who hurt you - unbearable.

With a wave of my hook in her face, I was forced to leave - slamming the door behind me.

I headed to the cafeteria with Lydia beside me. I didn't even know what I was doing anymore. I had to do whatever she wanted me to - and if I even tried to resist, my head would split. It would be as if I had the worst headache known to mankind. Even a second of that, and I would give up. And she won. Over and over again.

Time passing didn't even make sense to me anymore - I could zone out and before I realized it, 2 hours would have passed. The only time I really cared to pay attention was when my friends were around - so that at least I would be aware of the pain I'm putting them through. So when this is all over, I know what to apologize for.

The list of people I know I had affected was growing - (y/n) obviously, Uma, and even C.J. She's come to Auradon for the first time and I can't even help her through it.

Suddenly, I got up from my seat in the cafeteria. What now? I've already embarrassed myself enough by that crazy speech.

It was (y/n). She walked up to me, a determined look on her face. I felt my muscles tense as Lydia prepared for whatever she was up to.

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