Second Iteration

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I like to imagine this is Harry hyping himself up before coming to Auradon - also, why is the choreography in this video so awkward? Here are the lyrics if you want them :)

"Sometimes I feel ya don't understand me
I need a plan B or I'm out of time
Give me a minute to show I'm in it
If sky's the limit then I gotta try

Oh, because there's something about me
Oh, because there's something about me
You know you can't live without me
You're gonna stop in your tracks
Now it's pulling you back like that
Because there's something about me"

Your POV

I woke before my alarm rang. I was really tired, but didn't want to afford being late. I pulled off the bandages tied around my wrists - the redness was looking calmer already. I quickly got on my favourite outfit, did my hair, and left my room - making sure to grab my carpet. Be nice. But not too nice. You don't want him to think you have crazy mood swings.

When I went down the stairs I saw Harry already waiting in the foyer. He looked up and smiled when he saw me. I smiled back.

"Hey (y/n), how are you?" I realized he called me by my name and not 'princess' like he normally would. He definitely picked up on my annoyance yesterday.

"I'm doing alright. How are you?"

"Same here." It's like he's walking on eggshells. He hesitated before each word, probably analyzing its likely effect on me before it came out of his mouth. It's kind of funny to see him so nervous.

"So, is there any place you want to go? Or should I choose?"

"You choose. Please." I was laughing internally. This is hilarious. Who would have thought the menacing Harry Hook would be afraid to speak out of line to me.

"Kay. I'll surprise you."

"Do you want to take my bike? Or do you have a car?"

"Trust me, I have something way better than either of those. Come this way." I led him to the backfield where Tourney practice would take place if school had begun. "Usually, I take off from anywhere but since this is your first time..."

"What? Have you got pixie dust or something?"

"Not exactly, but right idea." I brought out the carpet from behind my back.

"A rug?"

"Think again." He looked at it closely, and one of the tassels waved. Harry screamed and jumped back. "Come on! I told you to remain still!" I playfully scolded the carpet.

"Is that what I think it is?" He asked, still keeping his distance. "Your parents' magic carpet? The magic carpet?"

"Yup. Although technically now it's my carpet. You're not afraid of heights, are you?"

"Heights? I wouldn't know. I've never been higher than the clock tower."

"You'll be fine." I looked at the carpet. "Carpet, this is Harry. Try not to make it too bumpy for him, eh?" His tassels nodded in response.

"You call your magic carpet 'Carpet'? He doesn't have a name?"

"Of course he does. It's Carpet." Harry laughed and jokingly shook his head. "Okay, get down on the ground here, and when I say go - only when I say go - take off." Carpet followed my instructions accordingly.

I sat down first and told Harry to sit down beside me. "Are you ready?"

"I think so."

"Okay then. Carpet - go!" I saw Harry grip the side of the carpet tightly as we began to take off. It was pretty smooth in my opinion, but Harry looked kind of sick.

"Harry, rule number one is don't look down on your first time! Just look at me." I tried to be as comforting as possible.

"Okayy." He slowly turned to look at me and didn't take his gaze off for even a second.

"See? It's not that bad - you'll be totally adjusted in a few minutes." I guided the carpet over Auradon Prep and away from the main city. "Auradon is so big - I'm not even sure where to start. We could go to Hook's Bay? That might be fun. Or the Enchanted Wood?"

"It's all up to you, really. But I don't know if I want to go to Hook's Bay yet- it's still the place where Peter Pan defeated my dad twice."

"The Enchanted Wood it is then! It's within the Summerlands, but isn't in the main area where most go. So there's way fewer people and it's just as pretty!" He still seemed somewhat uneasy. I tried to make conversation. "You know, it took a lot of convincing to get Fairy Godmother to let me use the Carpet. She doesn't believe in using magic if it isn't needed. She was all like 'why don't you get your driver's license or a boyfriend like a normal Auradon princess?'" I tried my best impression of her proper voice. Harry laughed. There's that stunning smile.

"She really said that?"

"Yeah of course. Would I lie to you?" He fell silent after that.

There was a gush of wind and the carpet dropped abruptly. It only took a second for us to get steady again - but Harry had moved closer and was holding my hand. I laughed awkwardly. "We, uhh, are fine now." He didn't let go.

"I forgot to tell you how amazingly gorgeous you're looking today." He just stared at me, looking hypnotized.

"Harry - what are you doing?"

"I need to tell you how sorr-"

"Harry. I thought we made a promise. To not fall in love." We can't pretend like that never happened. Promises need to mean something.

"I don't care about that anymore - let's scrap it."

"If I remember correctly - to quote you - 'it's not like we've already fallen in love or anything.' What was that supposed to mean? Were you just playing with my mind? I was really upset last night - because you made me believe I was the only one who felt anything."

"I only said that to make you think I felt that way - and didn't you repeat it later last night?"

"Only because you had said it!"

"I was dumb - the last thing I wanted to do was upset you. I just thought... I thought that - I don't know what I was thinking."

"You weren't."

"You're right - I wasn't. But the truth is, I really really like you. In fact, I think I might love you. And I didn't want to get involved because I was scared that if you ever left me, I wouldn't be able to survive that." I took a deep breath.

"I would never leave you, Harry, because - well, I think I love you too."


"Uhh..yeah. Is that surprising?"

"No - well maybe. You seemed pretty angry last night, and you were also really close with Johnny for some reason - I don't know."

I laughed. "Harry, it's true - I was really annoyed last night. But the only reason I'm not today is because of Johnny."

"What do you mean?"

"He left me his number on my phone, so I called him last night to see what he was about. He was the one who helped me realize I wasn't angry because I didn't like you - I was angry because I did."

"Oh." He pondered that for a second. "Maybe I should have cut him more slack."

"You should have. Plus he never liked me that way. He has his eyes on some other girl. Probably someone from the Isle."

"Huh. Well, if I like you, and you like me..." Harry began to lean in for a kiss.

I pulled back. "Harry - wait a minute."

QOTW: Favourite Descendants ship? 

AOTW: Personally I like Huma, I really wanted Harry and Uma to end up together at the end of D3! Haudrey could work as well - but I don't feel it's as good a match. 

Shiver Me Timbers [Harry Hook + Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin