The Kiss

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"Oh no, Harry and I were supposed to meet at this time!"

James rolled his eyes. "Boo hoo, guess he'll have to wait."

"No, you don't understand. If I don't pick up he'll know something is off. You have to let me pick up!"

"Yeah, so you can rat us all out? No thanks."

A second boy - one I recognized from last night - appeared. "Well, there are always ways to prevent that."

"Fine, do your thing."

Quicker than I could process it, the boy had his sword held up to my neck. My instinct was to hold my breath.

I slowly said, "Are you crazy?"

"Absolutely - now someone answer the phone for her. Any funny business, and you're done for."

"Okay - but you have to know that I am going to act completely normal - and probably say some weird stuff. Don't judge - it's how we are." I tried to make it sound quirky, but don't know if it came out that way.

Sound came out of the phone. "Hey (y/n), where are you? Are you okay?"

"Yeah totally. We just need to reschedule."

"Why, what happened?"

"Oh, you know, I'm kind of tied up with other matters." I smiled sarcastically to the boy with the sword. He didn't seem to find it funny.

"Well, can we meet later today?"

"I'm not sure yet, but if we do, could you maybe buy me some raspberries?" I whispered to the boy with the sword, "they're my favourite." He glared, waiting for a response from Harry. Please don't blow it, Harry.

Harry's POV

My heart skipped a beat. Did she just use the danger code? Was raspberries the fruit she picked? I can't remember because I don't know what they are!

"Anything for you princess, but are you sure you want raspberries and not anything else?" I asked, hoping her response would confirm or deny the danger code. I had to be careful though - if she was actually in trouble I don't want to say anything that could give it away.

Your POV

"I meant what I said," The sword was pressed harder against my neck. I panicked. "Got to go now bye!" The call ended, and the sword was removed. I gasped in relief. Harry better had got the message.

Harry's POV

Her response and speed at which she ended the call could only mean one thing. She's in trouble. Damn it! I stormed off the Auradon campus and began tracking her location.

Your POV

"Looks like you get to live a little longer, princess."

"Who are you?" I asked the second, more aggressive boy - like what was up with the sword? He had the darkest hair I had ever seen, and a resting evil smile.

"I'm Coy - son of no one you would know."

"And who are you?" I looked at the assumed third boy standing in the shadows. He had dirty blond hair and was taller than James and Coy.

"I'm Johnny." That's all he said.

"So what's your guys' plan for me? Wait it out until Harry suspects something?"

James thought for a bit. "I didn't really think much about that." Suddenly, his face lit up. "You know what would really get on Harry's nerves? Stealing his girl."

"According to you, haven't you already done that?" I asked. 

"Literally, yes. But figuratively..."

"What do you suggest captain?" Coy asked.

"Let's put it this way. All I want is a tiny kiss from the princess, and she's free to go. That's it."

"No ways, that's never happening." I felt uncomfortable just at the thought.

"Well, I might not need your opinion seeing as you're tied up."

"But if you did it against my will, it wouldn't even count, would it?" Would it?

"She does have a point, James." Johnny came entirely out of the shadows, and into the daylight.

"Is there a rule or something Johnny? Or are you just playing with me?"

Johnny walked over to James. "Are you questioning my knowledge of the pirate pact? I did help write it, didn't I?" What is that? I'll need to ask Harry about it later. If I have a later.

"Then tell me, which part dictates anything about that?"

"Fine - clause 56 on relationships, sub-sub-clause C part 1 says 'a kiss not reciprocated does not have any value, and will affect the given circumstances contradictory to how you may believe they will unfold after above mentioned forced kiss' - is that enough James, or should I continue?"That literally doesn't make any sense. Either James is a fool to believe it - or the pirates who wrote the pact were fools. 

"No, no that will be enough for now - you've proved your point." He must have come up with that. Surely that doesn't seem like something they would actually put in a clause?

James began again. "Coy, stay on deck with the girl. I need to go inside and do something." I looked around for Johnny but he had disappeared. Harry should be here by now.

Coy was preoccupied with sharpening his sword. I tried to wiggle out of the restraints, but it was no use. All I was doing was giving myself a bad case of rope burn - something I'll regret later when washing my hands. Once again, if I have a later.

Wait, what was that? I swore I saw a glimpse of the top of a pirate hat - outside the ship. Could it be?

I glanced at Coy from the side of my eyes - he didn't seem to notice anything. The figure appeared again, but this time I could see clearly - it was Harry! 

This is just another weekly check in - how are all of you doing? I hope you're all doing well and are healthy and safe! 

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