Royally Screwed

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Your POV

"How is this possible? I was just there this morning!" Lydia exclaimed.

"Sir," The head guard addressed Ben, "there's nothing here we could use to base an investigation on, and without evidence of involvement, we can't arrest or detain either of the suspects."

"Very well, I understand."

"They knew."

"What was that?" We turned to Lydia, whose voice had gone quiet.

"Mother and Rumple - they prepared for this. They knew I would crack. I'm so stupid." She looked up from the ground. "For not having any proof, I mean - not for becoming good."

"Is that the only location? Should we return to Auradon?" The guard asked.

"Wait, we still have Coy. Head over here." Mal moved aside so Lydia could punch the new coordinates in the master computer.

Johnny peeked over at it. "James' ship?"

"In a situation like this, James is the only one who'd agree to hide Coy," Lydia informed.

"That, I can believe." He turned back at us. "Let's hope we have better luck here."

The Guard entered the ship and blocked off the exits.

The camera turned to the main part of the deck, and everyone in the room did a double-take.

"Is it just me, or does the ship look different?" I comically added.

The place was crowded with furniture and cupboards and books.

"All our stuff...?" Lydia was shocked. "They transferred it here."

The guard entered the room which seemed to be the captain's quarters. The cameras focussed on a boy, standing in the middle, shirtless.

"Oh my, who's that?" Audrey perked up at the sight of him.

Lydia was embarrassed. "Ugh that's my brother, Coy - he never knows when to put on a shirt." Shirtless, his muscles were far more evident.

"The guy - in case you forgot - who tried to kill me. Twice!" I added.

"Everyone makes mistakes," Audrey mumbled to herself.

"Stop right there!" The guard warned him.

I noticed him prepare to use his magic, but stopped after getting a glimpse of what was on the other side of the door. "Shit." He whispered.

"He's royally screwed." Uma finally spoke up.

"They've framed him," Harry said in disbelief.

"Coy's the perfect scapegoat," Johnny added.

"Well, might I remind you guys that in order to be framed or made a scapegoat, you actually have to be innocent?" I paused, remembering to read the room - a bunch of used-to-be villains who would sympathize with someone whose parents threw them under the bus. "But, it does seem unfair for all the blame to be put on just one person."

Coy was being put in handcuffs and was escorted to the high-security, magic-blocking car. He was smart enough to know not to resist.

"Coy won't give in as easily," Lydia finally brought herself to say something. "He'd rather sit in an Auradon prison than go through Remedial Goodness."

Ben seemed to consider the situation and made a decision. "I know you're saying that Mother Gothel and Rumplestiltskin were a part of this, and as a friend, I believe you. But as King, I can't think as a friend - I need to abide by the law. The Guard will be on high watch for the other two, but as long as they do not cause trouble, I have no reason to detain them. So here's what's going to happen. You've chosen the right path, so we will work with you in terms of that, and not penalize you for what you've done. Coy will be given the same option as you, and we will deal with him accordingly. Until we go through the evidence, no official arrests will be served, but most likely, Coy will take the fall for everything if he doesn't want to change. Sounds fair?"

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