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There's three situations which made me call this chapter distractions, see if you can catch them all! (Some are more straightforward than others). 

It was a dream - he's not bad. Harry looked at me and mouthed the words "Distract him."

Distract him, distract him.

I began to scream - shriek more like it - at the top of my lungs. Coy ran over. "What?? What's the matter?"

I began to hyperventilate. "There's a - a -"

"A what?!?"

"There's a spider on me!!" I continued to freak out.

"Are you serious? You're such a princes-"

"Get it off me! Get it off me!!"

"Fine! Just stop screaming!"

James reappeared. "What happened Coy? I leave her with you for 5 minutes and you can't handle it??"

"It's not my fault! She said there's a spider on her!"

"Well calm her down! We've come too far for this to get compromised by an itsy bitsy spider!" Coy gulped at James' tone.

As Coy came over to see if he could spot the imaginary spider - Harry and Gil jumped over the edge of the ship. Yes.

"Release her now James - I'm done with your games." Harry stood a meter away from him - sword outstretched. Now this is a good look on him.

"Never! You want her - get past us first."


They began to fight. Just moments later I felt my restraints come off. I looked behind me. Uma was here as well!

"Uma! You came."

"How couldn't I? But seriously (y/n), did you have to get yourself caught up in something like this on your first day?" She abruptly away ran to help Gil fight off Coy.

I got up. Harry glanced at me while still fighting with James. "You good?"

"Yea I'm fine."

"Great, then catch this."

He threw over an extra sword for me - the one I liked from his room. Aww, he remembered.

Surprisingly, it was harder to catch a sword mid-air than movies and storybooks let you believe. The moment I caught it, Johnny came out. He began to spar with me, but half-heartedly. I still kept my eyes on the sword, making sure not to mess up. Then I heard him say, "Hey, (y/n), look at me." Weird.

I looked up. Wow, he is really tall. And he has great hair.


"Listen, James has taken it too far this time - he's my friend and all, but this need to stop," I began to let up on my fighting. "Don't stop, we need to keep this up." I nodded. "Here's what we're going to do. I've unlocked the exit behind me, and I'm going to create a distraction. At that time - you and your friends need to get out - you won't have much time. Do you hear me?" I looked deep into his blue eyes. He seemed genuine.


"Good. I'm going to count down from 5, and when I'm done-"

"We get out."

"Exactly. 5...4...3...2...1 - go!"

I yelled out. "Harry, Uma, Gil follow me!" I opened the door and heard their footsteps behind me. At the same time I heard Johnny yell out, "Aghh! She got me! The girl got me!"

James and Coy ran to his aid. I didn't stick around to see the rest. They led me to where their bikes were. Uma and Gil started theirs and made their way off.

"Here, get behind me. And put this on." Harry handed me a helmet. I held on tight, and he started the bike. We rode until we reached the Jolly Roger. Uma and Gil were already there. I got off the bike. Harry stopped me before I went in. He put his hands on my shoulders. 

"Are you really okay? I was so worried."

"Yea, really, I'm okay. Maybe a bit shaken - but I'm fine."

"I shouldn't have let you go alone. What was I thinking? This is all my fault."

"No it isn't - I'm the one who convinced you to leave me - it was stupid. Clearly, I don't know the Isle."

"They didn't hurt you, right? Or try to take advantage of the situation?"

"Not really - I mean, James tried to kiss me and he said he'd let me go if I did, but Johnny kind of came to the rescue. I am really hungry though."

"Johnny? Whatever, we'll talk about it later. We can hang out here today, my dad isn't home. We have food as well so that's covered. And Uma brought you some of her clothes so you can get freshened up. You seem about the same size."

"Thanks, can I go to your room to change?"

"Yea absolutely - I'll ask everyone to stay out."

I grabbed the clothes from Uma and ran straight up. I kept the sword back with the other ones. I sat on his bed for a second, just trying to comprehend what had happened in the last few hours. I got kidnapped, woke up on a pirate ship, used a danger code to get other pirates to rescue me, and am now sitting on Harry's bed. What a day.

I changed into my - Uma's - clothes. She had picked out a dark blue leather skater dress - something I could never imagine her wearing. It was almost a perfect fit. I looked at myself in the broken mirror. Huh, you could barely tell I'd been kidnapped just half an hour ago. I reached for my phone to get a better look at myself.

That's when it hit me. We never took my phone back. I rushed down to Harry.

"Harry, my phone's still with James! Can you use the app to make sure it's still on the ship?!"

"Yea, don't worry, I'm sure he hasn't realized yet." He pulled up the app. It showed "(y/n)'s phone."

"Wait a second - that's weird. It's coming closer to us!"

[You didn't think the kidnapping was even close to the climax of the story, did you?]

Hope you liked this chapter! These are the three I was thinking of:

1. (Y/N)'s distraction with the 'spider'.

2. Johnny as a figurative distraction - because he's so seemingly sweet and attractive!

3. Johnny's actual distraction so the gang can escape. 

Shiver Me Timbers [Harry Hook + Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon