The Confession

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Your POV

"Listen, the Isle isn't really the safest place to be - especially for someone who wasn't born here. Most of the VKs get by pretty okay because of our parents, but for a newcomer -"

"Come on Harry, now that the barrier is down, I'm sure it won't be as bad as before."

"You don't know the people here, trust me, the VKs you've met are like daisies compared to the poison oak that lives here."

"So what do you suggest I do? Carry a sword around with me like you do?"

"I don't think we need to go to those extremes yet, but there's something that all VKs are taught when they're young."

"And what's that?"

"To keep a danger code with someone they trust. You and the other person think of a statement that sounds normal to anyone who isn't in on it, and if something happens, you say that phrase to let them know you're in danger."

"Interesting, so you would use this if you get kidnapped or something?"

"Exactly. Something that my family has usually used is 'can you buy me some _______'."

"What should we put in the blank? Maybe a food?"

"What's a not generic food we both like? Do you like mushrooms?"

"Ew no."

"Good, that was a test - I think they're disgusting as well."

"What about raspberries? Those are my favourite."

"That could work, I'm not quite sure what they are, but they sound delicious."

"K, so we keep the code," I whispered, "'can you buy me some raspberries', and the first thing you're trying in Auradon is raspberries."

He laughed and agreed. "Fine, and the last thing is that you put your number in this app, and it'll track the location of the other person's phone at all times. This should only be checked if the danger code has been used - I promise I won't stalk you."

It was my turn to laugh. "I'm not too worried about that - my life isn't that interesting anyway." I put my number into his phone.

Uma came back with some fish and chips and milkshakes. "So (y/n), considering you're here with Harry of all people, I'm guessing things didn't work out with Steve like you thought?"

"He's a jerk - I think I was just was blinded by his amazing hair, smile, and-"

"We get it - he's perfect." Harry blurted out.

"That's not what I meant." Are you jealous Harry?

"Let her speak Harry." I smiled at Uma.

"Anyways, he turned out to be a not so great person, and then Harry decided to talk to me, and now we're here."

"Well whatever it is, it seems like you finally found an excuse to come to the Isle, huh?"

"I was always telling Uma how much I wanted to come to the Isle again," I explained to Harry.

"She'd go on about how thrilling it would be to live on the Isle, despite the stories I told her about growing up." She pauses for a second. "Anyways, Harry. You're going to be good around her right?"

"C'mon Uma, not you too! My dad already gave me a lecture about that - it was so embarrassing."

She held back a laugh. "Your dad gave you a lecture?? About a girl? That's a first."

"He was totally faking it though, pretending to act like an Auradon parent and all."

"What did he say?"

"He told me not to hurt (y/n), and went on about feelings, and how apparently I'm acting like the Isle isn't good enough for me anymore."

"Well, my mom's been doing the exact opposite - giving me the silent treatment. Except for yelling at me to work and al-"

"Umaaa! Break time's over!" I heard a booming voice come from the kitchen.

"Speak of the devil - I'll catch up with you later." She shambled out of the room.

I looked at my watch. "I didn't realize how late it got."

"Shoot, you're right. I have to get home by 7." It was 6:15. I was sort of disappointed. I didn't get to see the entire Isle.

"Hey, but it's fine - let's continue tomorrow." Did he sense my feelings?

"That's a great idea, you read my mind."

"But before we part, let me show you something."

I followed him out and looked up to see him grinning.

"This way - watch your step." He led me through a series of alleys and streets until we arrived at what looked like a very tall clock tower.

"What is this? I've never seen it before."

"You wouldn't have. The clouds cover it from every angle - you'd only know it's a clock if you're standing right here." I looked up in amazement. It was unlike any clock tower I had seen in all of Auradon. It was grand, in a rustic way - and you could feel the vibrations with every tick.....tick.

"Do you want to go to the top?"

"Are we allowed?"

He let out a small laugh. "Princess, on the Isle there are no rules."

He began to run towards the back of the tower. "Catch me if ye ca-an!" He teased - his accent emphasized for some reason.

I quickly followed. A tiny hatch opened a door to spiral staircases. I'm so glad I didn't wear my fancy shoes. We kept going - him always two steps ahead of me - to the very top.

I caught my breath for a second - then I saw it. From this view you could see all of the Isle, and Auradon, sparkling in the moonlight. I was speechless. I had never gone this high on the carpet.

"What do you think?"

"I think it's amazing." I haven't seen anything like this in my entire life - I wanted to say. But I didn't.

He looked at the time on his phone. "We're just in time. 6:29."

"You mean the clock's going to go off? Right now? Is it safe?"

"Yeah totally." He smirked at me, then noticed my face. "I'm just kidding - it's perfectly fine, I come here all the ti-"

A booming noise came from below - followed by strong vibrations. I could see Harry's lips saying the word "see?" - but no sound came out.

He came closer to me and yelled, "No one will hear what you say - you could scream out your deepest secrets and even the wind wouldn't hear you." I tried yelling out - not the faintest sound came out. Amazing.

I ran to the other side of the tower - far away from Harry. And just as the last giant boom began I screamed, "I THINK I'M FALLING IN LOVE WITH HARRY HOOK!" And just like that, it got whisked away - as if the words never left my lips. 

I hope you liked this - longer than usual - chapter. It's one of my favourites. Hope everyone's doing okay - remember to stay safe and wash your hands!!

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