Close Calls & Curses

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There are many exciting, climactic chapters in this story, but this one is definitely one of the best ones (in my opinion :)) So much notable stuff happens that I honestly had a hard time picking a title which was suitable!

Your POV

I gasped. As much as my body was absolutely exhausted, I used all my determination to stay awake. "Carpet! Drop down - we need to catch him!"

My stomach churned at the split-second altitude change, but now was not the time to feel sick. "Faster!" I cried as I saw Harry's quick falling body.

With a swift dive, we swooped down and caught him - and just in time. Looking down, I realized we were just a meter high from the ground. A second later and... I can't bear to think of it.

Harry seemed to be in shock. He sat up and stared at me, eyes blank.

Before Coy would notice we were still here, we had to get out. "Carpet, take us back to Auradon - I don't care which route - whatever's fastest," I ordered.

"I-I jumped." He said in a daze.

"You did."

"And I m-missed."

"You did."

"And I'm still breathing."

"You are. What did I say? Everything turned out alright!"

"I can't believe I actually jumped."

I laughed, and then suddenly drew in a deep breath. My vision was filling up with black spots everywhere I looked.

"(Y/N)! What's wrong?"

"I think I'm blacking out." I managed to force out groggily. "The magic - it was too much."

"Shoot - you can't give in! You need to fight it!"

"I'm so tired." I looked at him. "Slap me."

He laughed. "What?"

"I'm not joking Harry. Slap me. I need to snap back into reality." He looked hesitant. "Do it!"

"Fine!" He did it, a bit stronger than I would have liked, but it did the job.

"Ouch." I rubbed my cheek where it stung. "But thanks."

"I'm so sorry - did I hurt you?"

"No, I'm okay." I didn't see the spots anymore. "I'm wide awake."

"Well, right on time, because we're here." He paused. "What did Uma say on the phone?"

"It sounded like Lydia got in - god knows how. It, um, seemed like she was in danger." I hated saying it out loud, making my fear so much more real.

Carpet dropped us back at my room. It was completely empty.

"They aren't here," Harry stated the obvious.

"I doubt they planned on staying in here all day Harry."

"We need to find them soon."

"I'll check Johnny's room." I decided.

"I can check the cafeteria." He thought about it for a second. "Actually, splitting up doesn't sound like the best idea. Let's just go together."

"It's not efficient - we'll cover more ground this way. I bet everyone's fine anyway, we're probably just paranoid."

"Whatever you say, princess - but let's make it quick. Message me if you find anything, and I'll do the same."

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