Meet Harry

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Harry's POV

I tried to comb my hair in the half shattered mirror in my room, but the bristles kept breaking. Ugh, typical Isle quality products. I guess this is why I've never used a brush.

I don't know why I was trying so hard, I've never cared about how presentable I looked, or if I seemed "too evil" based on my clothes. But that girl is different, and if I have a chance of getting to know her, I need to be different - or at least seem different.

I checked the time on my phone - my dad isn't fond of pocket watches, or any physical watches for that matter. 9:15. Ok, I'm doing good on time.

It takes about 30 minutes to walk from my place on the Isle to Auradon Prep - it takes less on my motorcycle of course, but I didn't want to give off biker dude vibes in case she isn't into that. Why am I thinking like this? This is so...unnatural.

I shook off the weird emotions I was feeling and made my way towards Auradon. What a beautiful place! Even from the Isle you can get a glimpse of the colourful buildings, shining blue skies, and happiness. I would love to call that place home. I glanced back at the Jolly Roger, - formerly the grand ship which sailed under the command of Captain Hook - home of Captain Hook and his three lovely children. It wasn't much use with the barrier up, but now that it's down, would father go back to sailing around the world, and leave us homeless and fatherless?

I tried to brush off that thought as I approached the entrance to Auradon, and stepped over the border as majestically as possible.

A few minutes later I saw the towering figure of Auradon Prep, home and school to hundreds of princesses and princes. Here I am. 9:45 sharp.

I looked around to see if I could spot (y/n). She's not out yet, princesses probably like to be right on time.

The minutes passed, and so did 10 o'clock. Being fashionably late is a thing in Auradon, right? But she didn't strike me as someone who cared about that stuff...

While I'm waiting, might as well check this place out.

The school was even more astonishing from the inside. Spiral staircases and warm colours filled the main hall, girls in bouncy dresses and boys in polished capes gracefully walked around, and it smelled amazing. How do they maintain this place?

I saw a sign that said: Girls dorms this way.

I decided to walk that way. Maybe I'd bump into (y/n) on the way, she probably thought I'd pick her up from her room.

How many students go here? The doors went on forever.

One room made me stop at the door. Seems like some kids are having a falling out. Those are always interesting. I decided to stop and pretend to be on my phone, but really I was just eavesdropping. You can take a VK out of the Isle, but you can't take the Isle out of the VK. I smiled to myself.

It was hard to hear anything clearly, all I got was "Isle", and "Audrey", and "crazy". Huh, maybe some kids are upset about the barrier coming down?

All of a sudden, someone raised their voice a bit, and I could hear most of what they were saying.

"I don't know, but you shouldn't be hanging around him until we know he's good for sure. This isn't a joke." Boy drama I guess.

The next thing I heard was,

"Maybe, but we were different."

Followed by,

"Don't get me wrong you turned out to be great, but who says these new VK's aren't the same - or better."

The last thing I could make out was,

"Harry Hook is dangerous." And that's when it hit me. These weren't just any girls, this was Mal - I could guess that imposing voice anywhere - and (y/n). And they weren't talking about any boy or VK, they were arguing about me. Suddenly, I began to feel lightheaded. I ran out to sit on one of those benches and get some fresh air.

Why does she have to do this? I'm just about to have something good in my life, and Mal has to go ahead and try to ruin it. She doesn't know the new me, and she doesn't have the right to scare off (y/n).

I felt a lump beginning to form in the back of my throat. Great, even if by a miracle (y/n) chooses to show up, she can't see me like this. Forget it, this was stupid anyway.

I began to head back to the Isle. So much for starting fresh - in a place where no would know me for what I used to be.

As I made my way back I heard a voice call out,

"Harry wait!"

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