The Test

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This week has felt longer than most! I could barely wait to post the next part, but here we are - finally!

Your POV

"Before we dive into following what Horacio says about waking up a victim of a 'dark curse', we need to be sure Harry is under one, or at least under some sort of spell. How can we be sure?" Johnny wondered. 

I thought for a moment. "Wait, I have the perfect idea! But neither Uma or I can be the ones to carry it out, Lydia'll get suspicious - and Harry needs to be alone..." I glanced around to make sure no one else was around. "So here's the plan." I began.

"I think that'll work - let's do it right away. Johnny, send Harry a message saying you want to meet up with him, about-" Uma paused. "What would seem guy-ish enough that Lydia doesn't want to come?"

"Lydia is pretty absorbed with her looks - I don't think she'd come anywhere where getting her makeup messed up is a possibility." 

"I'd suggest camping or something outdoorsy, but I don't think you need to be around him that long." I looked at Johnny. "You're doing enough for me." I laughed. "How about you say you need to talk about girls? There's no way Lydia could find a justifiable way to show up for that. Just meet him for a sandwich or something at the Auradon Cafe?"

"I could do that... I can already imagine how awkward that's going to be, but it'll work." He brought out his phone. "I'll text him right away."

"So what should we do? Maybe just stay back for a bit and try to learn more about Horacio - or more importantly his apprentices?"

"Yeah, let's do that - while we're at it let's find a book about Gothel. I have a feeling she might be more involved than we think." Uma and I got up.

"Harry's up for it - I'll check back in with you at your guys' room tonight." Johnny gave us a slight nervous look and left. This must be hard for him, especially being so shy and all. He's really going out of his comfort zone to help - I need to remember to thank him later.

Johnny's POV

(Y/N) was right, the cafe was just a few paces from the front of the school. As I entered I heard the loud revving of a motorcycle behind me, fading away as it came to a stop. I looked back to see Harry dramatically taking off his helmet to reveal his perfectly messy hair. Curse or not, he has style. No wonder Lydia thought messing with him would be fun - no one curses boring barely-pirates like me. Not that I'm complaining. Not really anyways.

"Hey... dude." I waved over at him.

"What's up Johnny?" He came over, smiling. (Y/N) told me Harry was still apprehensive about being friends with me - but now he's overly friendly? If Lydia really is controlling him, she must think we're close...

"Nothing much really, I just wanted to have a talk - man to man." We sat down at a table far away from others in the cafe. The place was really perky - bright coloured walls, enthusiastic waiters - and most of the others here seemed to be on dates. Did (y/n) have to pick this place of all the cafes in Auradon? As if the whole situation wasn't weird enough.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Well, I used to talk to Coy and James about this sort of stuff, but we don't really hang out anymore." I noticed his ears perk up at the mention of Coy. Interesting. "Plus, you know Uma so I figured I'd ask you to meet up."

"Well you made the right choice, you can talk to me about anything, really." A waiter came over and took our orders.

"Do you think Uma would like a guy like me?" I realized too late that I probably shouldn't tell him - or her - my actual concerns.

"Oh, absolutely Johnny - but let's forget about Uma for a second. What about (y/n)? She's more your type, isn't she? Quiet, kind - all that mushy stuff." You've got to be kidding me.

Calm down, Johnny. Making a scene won't help the situation. I took a deep breath. "It's not like that Harry. (Y/N) and I get along well, but we're just friends. Can we get back to Uma?" Whoever I'm talking to - Harry or Lydia - is way too keen for (y/n) and I to get together. Convenient - gets her out of their way. When I thought I couldn't despise them anymore.

"Yeah, yeah, I suppose you both make a pretty good match as well."

"What about Lydia?" It's time I start asking questions - without seeming suspicious.

"What about her?"

"Do you like her? You never said if you both are actually involved."

"Oh, we're involved. Lydia is - I can't find the words to describe her. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. With her, I feel complete." Is it just me, or was that - in the slightest way - something a girl would say? Or at least, want a guy to say about her? Don't get me wrong, anyone could say that - but Harry? It's not impossible - but it just makes this even more odd.

"That's... uh... great - I'm happy for both of you." This is so uncomfortable. Please bring us the bill so we can end this.

After a bit more small talk, the waiter finally came up to us. Okay, you only have one shot at this so don't mess it up!

"Are you paying separately?"


"Wait a minute - Harry, why don't you let me pay for this one? You took the time out of your day to meet me anyways, it's really no big deal." I saw his face turn firm. Too obvious Johnny!

But then, miraculously, he smiled. "Great, thanks, Johnny!" Oh my god - he is spelled. Hooks don't take favours.

Your POV

Uma and I were finished up with the library - and were honestly exhausted. What made it worse was that since Johnny had left, we didn't find one piece of useful information. Every book brought up dead ends - even the stuff about Gothel was fairly drab. We all know she kept Rapunzel in a tower for 18 years, but didn't she do anything else? Wasn't there any proof she had magic of her own - even just a tiny bit?

We defeatedly began to walk back to our room. As we walked down the hall I heard something weird coming from one of the dorms.

"Wait, Uma - do you hear that?"

We casually stood next to the door from which the sound was coming.

"Is that someone singing?" A melodious voice emitted from the room - it was a girl. "Wait, pull up the list of who stays in each room."

I brought up the document Ben sent me. Room 338 - Lydia Gothel and (One vacant spot).

"This is Lydia's room!" I whispered. We put our ears to the door - thankfully no one else was around.

[1:10 - 1:45 -- I slightly altered line 3 to fit better :)]

"Am I crazy? Maybe we could happen


Will you still be with me if the magic all runs out?

If only I knew what my heart was telling me

Don't know what I'm feeling

Is this just a dream?"

"Oh my god - you hear that, right?" I looked at Uma. "will you still be with me if the magic all runs out" - this is solid evidence! She's spelled Harry!"


I gasped. "And she's fallen for him."

This is not part of the official storyline but I though this song would be fun to add at the end of this chapter! And as a bonus, it's "Lydia" singing it!

Thanks for 8K! The next chapter comes out on Monday/Tuesday (depending on your timezone :)) so stay tuned! 

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