Short-lived Excitement

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Finding gifs for chapters like this one is a struggle - thankfully this one works though!

Your POV 

I cried out in pain and clutched my hand.

"(Y/N) what is it?" I pointed at the bracelet. Uma swiftly undid the clasp and took it off. And then the burning was gone. I turned back, but Lydia and Harry had both left.

"What is up with this thing?" Johnny was twirling it around between his fingers.

"I - I don't know."

"How often does that happen?"

"It only started recently - but it's not always bad. Sometimes it feels different, sort of good. It's never the same though. One day it's sparks, then shocks, then burning - at first I thought it was just me, but now I'm not sure."

"You said your mom gave it to you right?"

"Yeah - wait! First Coy wants this thing, and now it acts up when Lydia stares at me? What if I'm not the common denominator - what if it's the bracelet?"

"You could be right... here, put it back on."

"Johnny are you crazy? It was just burning her wrist!" Uma exclaimed. 

"There must be a reason for it - but for now, I think the safest place for it is on (y/n). We can't risk misplacing it, or having anyone take it." I took it from him and hesitantly put it back on. Whatever it was doing before seemed to be over.

"Ugh, I feel horrible." I put my face in my hands. "She looked furious. I think she knows what we're doing."

"Are you sure? She should have been thrilled, right? This is what she wanted all along - me and you."

"But Harry revealed his 'not so happy' expression in front of her. And since she has that thing for him - I think I've just made everything worse. For Harry, and us."

We went back to mine and Uma's room. Uma was texting her mom, Johnny was trying to do research on my bracelet, and I was laying on my bed with a pillow over my face. The room was silent. I wanted to help Johnny, but I couldn't bring myself to get up. I just recapped everything we knew over and over again in my head, hoping something would click. Did my mom say anything to me when she gave me the bracelet? Have I ever said anything against Mother Gothel or her child that might have insulted Lydia? Have we ever learnt about a man named Horacio?

Why does that sound so familiar - Horacio?

Horacio, Horacio, Horacio. I don't take any magic courses, so why would I know him?

"Wait!" I sprung up and sat on the edge of my bed.

Johnny looked over. "What is it?"

"I can't believe I didn't realize this before - I feel so stupid! Guys, Horacio isn't a name! Well, it can be, but I'm nearly positive it isn't in this case."

"What is it then?" Uma kept her phone off to the side.

"Horacio means "timekeeper" in Latin! It's a title! He's Timekeeper Witrist!"

"That changes things - it gives clues to who he was, and I bet we can find way more information now that we know that's a title and not his name!" Johnny quickly began typing on his laptop, adjusting his research back to Horacio - well, Timekeeper Witrist.

"Uh, guys?" 

"What?" Johnny responded but his eyes were still glued to the screen.

Uma remained silent. I looked over to see her scrolling anxiously on her phone, seeming stressed.

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