Desperation and Hesitation

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Harry's POV

It was a lost battle from the start. (Y/N) beating Lydia's dark magic after already encountering Coy's earlier today was virtually impossible - but she wanted to give (y/n) the illusion of having a chance.

I looked to Lydia, slowly walking down the staircase. "Now what? You won, what are you going to do?"

"Now I take the bracelet myself."

I stood in her way. "Wait!" How do I stop this from happening? "Lydia, listen. You don't want to do this!"

"And why is that?" She grinned, knowing her victory was secured. This is good - she's letting herself get distracted.

"Going down this path, becoming a true villain - it's unlikely you'll ever come back. People will always see you as just the person who ruined lives - and you will get caught."

"No, I won't! I have enough family backing me up, to get me out of a sticky situation."

"Family, no doubt, that's made up of other villains. You should know better than anyone that no matter what, a villain will put themselves first. Whether it's your sibling, or your parents..."

"I don't have time for this." She tried advancing forward.

"Just hear me out!"

[This is "Once Upon a Time" from Descendants 3 - yup, Harry Hook is finally getting a solo :)]

Harry @ Lydia:

Here you are alone, and you deserve it

You've made my friends go cold

And that's on you

[Lydia rolls her eyes]

You had a cause to serve but did you serve it?

Or did you see yourself in a way that wasn't true?

Harry @ himself (reflection):

This is not your father's fairytale

And no, it's not your mother's fault you fail

So when your story comes to light

Make sure the story that they write

Goes once upon a time a boy tried harder

Once upon a time, he tried again

Once upon a braver choice

He took a risk

He used his voice

And that will be my once upon a time

This time

Harry @ Lydia:

Why tell all those lies?

You feel unworthy

Like there isn't solid ground for you to stand

But a stack of lies is not a firm foundation

You cannot build a castle on a mountain made of sand

This is not your mother's dark desire

Harry @ himself:

And no, it's not my father's sail on fire

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