Frustration and Denial

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The clothing evidently doesn't match but let's just use our imaginations :) - also, does anyone else LOVE Sean in the Lodge or is it just me?

Your POV

I was still on the ship but brought myself together. Calm down. It's not a big deal. If he's going to act like there was never anything between us, so can I.

I heard someone come down the stairs. It must be Harry - Uma and Gil left already. He came back and sat in the same spot as before, but leaving a few more inches between us. He began to speak. "I'm really sorry about what happened earlier...I shouldn't have come across so strong. I wish I could take it all back."

"It's fine. You said what you had to say. I just overreacted for no reason. To be honest, you were right. It's not like we've already fallen in love or anything."

Harry's POV

Oh. Maybe Uma and I read everything wrong. "Come again?"

"What you said earlier - this would have probably been way harder if we were already involved. But since we aren't, it's not a big deal. In a way, it was like a preventative measure - crisis management before the crisis. Because we both know that anything between us would result in a crisis." She's really gotten over this. It was only me who fell in love.


I laughed to make that last statement seem lighter. I hope I'm masking the fact that I don't believe a word of anything I just said.

Harry laughed as well, but it didn't seem genuine. "Well in that case, do you want to finish seeing the rest of the Isle tomorrow? Promise I'll actually walk you home this time."

"Yea, no ways. I think I've had enough of the Isle for a while. Tomorrow you're coming to Auradon, and I'm going to take you to some of my favourite places. Deal?" I stuck out my hand for him to shake.

He took it. "Deal." He smiled - for real this time. Wow his hands are warm. Or are my hands just cold-

"Your hands are...cold - are you okay?" My hands get cold when I'm nervous - but he can't know that.

"Why wouldn't I be? It's getting late, there's a breeze." There wasn't a breeze. "Your hands are warm - are you okay?"

Harry's POV

My hands always get warm when I'm nervous! But she doesn't know that.

"I just came from my room - it's heated in there." No it isn't.

It was silent for a second. She's barely made eye contact since I returned. I've really messed up, haven't I?

Your POV

"Well, I think I should head back anyways - people will get worried."

"Okay - do you want to walk or ride on my bike?"

"The bike." Riding on the bike means I get home faster. Which means we won't have to talk as long.

"Whatever you want princess." What would make me blush before now made my blood boil. I know I made him think I wasn't interested - but is he going to let it go so easy? Is that it? Everything goes back to normal?

He held out his hand to help me down from the edge, but I ignored it and jumped down. I need to sleep over this.

We walked out towards the red and black motorbike with the name "Harry Hook" spray-painted on the side of it, just like in his room.

"Here." He handed me the same helmet as before. He secured his own and got on, motioning for me to get on behind him. I reluctantly wrapped my arms around him as he started the bike.

It only took about 7 minutes to get from the Roger to Auradon Prep since there was little to no traffic at this time. He stopped in front of the doors.

"Thanks." I handed back the helmet.

"Should I walk you to your room?"

"I think I'll be fine from here."

"See you tomorrow?"

I had already begun walking when I said, "See you."

Harry's POV

I started my bike and began heading back. I felt horrible inside. My stomach turned just thinking of how cold she had been. It was like she was a whole other person - pissing her off might have just been the stupidest thing I've done in my life. Ever.

To think I believed I would become the hero saving her and all. Well, I might've been before I ruined it. She seemed so fine when I first came down - what did I say to get so on her nerves? At this point, Johnny has a far better chance with her. And he kidnapped her.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of her with him. I want to be the one with her. I liked who I was when I was with her. I liked being around her. I love her. I need to fix this.

[Insert main chorus of I Like Me Better  by Lauv if you want :)]

Your POV

I got back to my room. After lying on my bed for I don't know how long, I got up, washed my face, and headed to Evie's room. I needed to talk to someone before I slept.

I knocked on her door. "Evie, are you in there?"

"Yea, one second!" I was relieved to see she was by herself. "Are you okay (y/n)? Is this about earlier? Ignore Mal, she doesn't know how to judge a situation."

"Well, not really. I'm kind of conflicted." She sat me down next to her on the bed. "There are two boys. Harry and Johnny. I'm not going to say anything about Harry since I'm annoyed with him right now, but do you know anything about a pirate named Johnny?"

"Johnny? Let me think. Is he tall, blond hair?"

"Yes! That's the one."

"I've seen him around, might have even tried to talk to him some time. But he's like really quiet. I don't know much about him, just that he hangs around with James Sparrow." He was pretty shy.

"Do you think he's a good person?"

"I'm sorry, but I wouldn't really know. If anyone does, it would be Harry. He's a pirate, after all, not me."

"Okay, thanks anyway, Evie."

"Are you sure you're okay? You were just Johnny really the biggest of your concerns?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"For what it's worth, I genuinely think Harry cares about you. Remember, affection isn't really a thing on the Isle. Even if he did something to annoy you - maybe keep an open mind." At that moment someone else knocked at the door.

I got up to leave. "Thanks, Evie. I'll keep that in mind."

"Are you sure you're going to leave? You can stay a bit longer."

"I'm really tired. Plus, I think someone else is here to see you." I opened the door and saw Doug. I smiled and left.

When I went back to my room I changed and got into bed. It's been a long time since I opened my phone. I browsed social media for a bit, and then decided to look through my pictures. 

Wait, what's this? The most recent photo was one of a small piece of paper with a message and numbers. 

I hope you liked this chapter, please vote if you did! Also, if anyone has any feedback on the story, chapters you liked/didn't like, things that do/don't go well - please don't hesitate to tell me! I love hearing what everyone thinks, because after all you're the audience :)

QOTW: What do you think the note says/who is it from?

AOTW: You know I can't give that away lol.

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