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Happy Friday everyone!

"What? What do you mean by that?" My body began to tense - I don't like random confrontations.

"He's not a good person,"

"Once again, what do you mean??" Please cut to the chase Mal.

"I mean, he's from the Isle, and you know how kids from the Isle are -"

"You yourself said he helped in defeating Audrey when she went all crazy on us. What was in it for him?"

"I don't know, but you shouldn't be hanging around him until we know he's good for sure. This isn't a joke."

Why does Mal get to decide who I choose to hang out with? Good or not, he was the only one decent enough to come talk to me. Wait, but sometimes bad guys try to act all nice and rope people like me in - no, he seemed genuine. I think he was telling the truth.

"I think he was being good ... for real," I added at the end.

"How do you know? All you've seen is princes and princesses,"

"And you,"

"Maybe, but we were different." I glanced at the clock - a minute to 10 o'clock. Great, he's going to think I chickened out or something.

"How were you different? If anything, you were worse. Ben said that he picked the children of some of the worst villains to have existed, and just when we thought you were our friends we find out you were planning on stealing Fairy Godmother's wand! Don't get me wrong, you turned out to be great, but who says these new VK's aren't the same - or better."

"First of all, we never wanted to steal the wand. Our parents wanted us to. Second of all, Harry has had a reputation of being just as bad as we used to be - even if he helped with Audrey, there's no solid evidence that he has good intentions. Third of all, I know him, and he is not someone that you would want to associate yourself with." She said, almost sternly.

"I think I can decide that for myself Mal, but thanks for caring. I promise to be careful." I tried to slowly walk towards the door, wanting nothing more than for this conversation to end.

"You don't get it, do you? Just because your mother was crazy enough to trust a street rat doesn't mean you should too!" Mal said sternly. "Harry Hook is dangerous." Silence filled the room as I began to gather my thoughts.

"I don't care what you say, because I'm choosing to follow my heart on this, and my heart says he's a good person," I know, it sounds cringey, but it's the truth.

Tears began to form near the corners of my eyes at the mention of my mother - and because we've never had a falling out before. And how dare she call my dad a street rat!?

"And you don't have the right to say anything about my parents, because trust me, two can play at that game," I scoffed. "I'm leaving now, and you can't stop me."

I turned and left her room, unintentionally slamming the door.

As I made my way to the entrance of the school I checked my watch. 10:17. Please still be there.

Just as I got out, I saw a figure in a pirate coat making his way to leave. I began to walk faster.

"Harry wait!"

Stay tuned, because in the next chapter we get to dive into Harry's POV!

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