The Mistake

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Your POV

We stood at the top of the clock tower in silence. I was trying to take in everything I could.

"Sorry we didn't get to do as much as you wanted today. I didn't plan for my dad to take up so much time."

"It was perfect even if we didn't get to everything - we're meeting tomorrow anyway, right?"

"I don't have much else going on." He smiled.

"I actually wanted to ask you about something," He looked at me expectantly. "When we met your dad, he said something about how many girls you bring home. What was that about?" He blew air out of his mouth and didn't say anything for a while.

"See (y/n), life on the Isle was... not easy. After my mom died, my sister Harriet was basically in charge since my dad went into a sort of depression. And she was occupied with school and her own stuff, so me and C.J. - my younger sister - were sort of left alone. She dealt with her issues by acting out and causing havoc around the Isle. She became mean. Not like usual Isle kid mean - more like deeply evil. She wanted to see the world burn. I was so devastated I couldn't deal with her, so I sought comfort in anyone who would give it. There was no one left in my life who I felt cared about me, so I was letting anyone in who seemed to show the slightest empathy. And you know what? Every girl took advantage of me. They got closer to me to get to hang out with Uma, who held a lot of the power on the Isle. Not one of them lasted more than a week - because the moment I sensed that was what they were doing, I decided to end it. That's the reason I want to start fresh in Auradon. I know the hole my mom's death left in me will never be filled - but now I want to make friends who want to be around me for the right reasons." Friends. Huh.

I didn't know what to say. All I could do was wrap my arms around him, and pull him into a hug. I had a million questions. Who was his mother? Who were those girls? Do I know any of them? Is everything he says true? But I knew that I would have to wait.

He abruptly turned around and rubbed his eyes, taking a few deep breaths. "Thanks (y/n), I've never had anyone to express my feelings to before - those are kind of suppressed on the Isle."

"Of course, anytime. I'm sorry for asking - I didn't know it was like that."

"Don't apologize, you had a right to ask." He opened his phone and gasped. "It's 6:55!"

We quickly make our way down the stairs. "I'll just tell my dad I need to come a little late, let me walk you back to Auradon."

"Are you crazy? Your dad didn't seem to be in the greatest mood, I don't want to be the reason you get in more trouble. I can see the road we came from - I'll find my way back."

"No ways. You have no idea how the Isle gets at night."

"The barrier is down now, I'm sure Ben already put in safety measures for the Isle. I promise you, I will be okay. Don't worry."

He looked conflicted and then said, "Well, if you think Ben has it covered you're probably right. But let me walk with you until the path we came on - my home comes on the way anyways."

"Fine, let's go - you're late already!"

We reached the road, and after asking me about five times if I'm fine, Harry gave up.

"Okay, go straight to the bridge, and keep your phone in your hand at all times."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. See you tomorrow?"

"Absolutely, same as today." I waved goodbye and began to walk away, knowing it would be the only way he'd leave as well.

After a few steps, I heard a voice. "Hey there, we saw you hanging out with our buddy Harry." Two boys in pirate hats came on either side of me.

"Oh, you guys are friends of Harry?"

"Yeah sure, we go way back." The second boy said.

"What are your names?" I asked. Something felt slightly off. I thought Uma and Gil were Harry's only friends. I began to open my phone as a precaution.

Faster than I could process a third boy appeared and abruptly tied a gag around my mouth. I began to cough and struggle. I attempted to call someone - anyone - on my phone.

"It's not going to be so easy, dearie." The first boy laughed as he grabbed my phone right out of my hands. I tried to make noise - anything to get Harry's attention - no one else was in the street. Why didn't I listen to him?

I saw a vague figure at the end of the street. He's still here. Harry, please see me. Please turn around. The gag was too tight and they were too strong. Tears began to pour down my cheeks. Partially because of how rough they were, but mostly because this was my fault - my mistake. I deserve this. I deserve to see him walking away. I deserve to get kidnapped for my stupidity.

Suddenly, I felt like a bell had been rung against my head, and a pounding pain overwhelmed me. Within moments I knew I would be out cold.

This is finally getting exciting! Don't forget to vote, and stay tuned to see what happens next! And as always, stay safe!

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