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I woke up in the same alley, lying on the ground, in broad daylight. I made out a figure walking towards me. Is that Harry? I tried to get up, but couldn't move any of my limbs.

"Harry! I'm over here!" I yelled out. He came over and leaned over me.

"(Y/N), are you okay?"

"These guys came over and and told me they were your friends and then knocked me out. I should have listened to you." I began to hyperventilate.

He began to laugh. "Isn't it obvious by now? I was behind that - you can be so dumb for somebody who's supposed to be smart."

"What? What do you mean?" I felt a lump at the back of my throat.

"I mean, you are an incredibly stupid lamb for falling in love with a lion who doesn't love you back."

Doesn't love you back.

Doesn't love you back.

"Hey, are you awake? Hellooo? Maybe she's dead? She can't be dead."

All of a sudden I came to my senses and woke up. Reality snapped back in a second. Was that just a dream? Harry isn't evil? But what if he is? Was I delusional to really fall in love with a pirate - and believe he felt the same way back?

"Looks like the princess is awake." I recognized the figure as the first boy who approached me last night.

That's when I realized. It was bright outside - and I was on a ship. I could still make out buildings on one side, so I assumed it was docked. All of that aside my hands were tied up to a post behind my back. This is incredibly uncomfortable - how long have I been here? I began to panic.

"Why am I here? And who are you?"

The boy laughed, "It seems you've made friends with a particular pirate - who happens to be part of a rival gang. Harry's spent enough time on the Isle terrorizing us, so we figured it was about time we took something of his," He paused for a second. "And if you're wondering who I am? The name's James Sparrow."

"You're Jack Sparrow's kid?"

"No, he never had kids. I'm his father's brother's child's kid - I'm still a Sparrow by blood though." The topic seemed to bother him. I guess no one really remembers Captain Jack Sparrow's father's brother's child. Makes sense.

"Well, before you do anything, I request a parlay."


"Parlay. A request that allows any person to invoke temporary protection and be brought before the captain to negotiate without being attacked until the parlay is complete."

"I know what parlay is."

"Then why do you seem confused?"

"I am not confused. But how do you know what that means?"

"Pirates of the Caribbean, I guess."

"What?" I guess the Isle doesn't have much media.

"Never mind - are you going to grant it or not?"

"Already granted - I'm the captain. And don't worry dear, we don't plan on hurting you - immediately anyways." He smirked.

"Can you at least let me go? This rope is tied really tight."

"And for good reason - we don't want you running away." Ughhhhh. "So, what do you see in that low life anyways?"

"He's not a low life."

"Debatable. Anyways, are you guys a thing yet?"

"Whaat? No ways - we just met."

"That never stopped any of those Auradon princesses, has it?" He has a point.

"Can we not talk about this now? It's useless." I was scared of revealing any affection towards Harry, which might worsen my situation.

"Fine, let's talk about you. Who are you anyway?"

"You kidnapped me not knowing who I am?"

"Figured you're fancy enough to mean something to Harry, but probably not high enough to be realized if you went missing for a while."

I gasped. "How dare you? You don't know that."

"Lass, if you were that royal and perfect, you wouldn't be choosing to be around a scruff like Harry."

"Well then, should I tell you who I am?"

"No wait, let me guess." What is up with that?

"Daughter of Tiger Lily."


"Daughter of Jasmine's handmaiden - what's her name - Dahlia."

"No. Why do you know that?"

"Not important - I give up anyways. Tell me."

"I am the daughter of Jasmine and Aladdin."

"You're lying."

"No I'm not."

"Prove it."

"How can I prove it without my phone or anything?" I subconsciously felt my hand, and realized that it was lighter than usual. My heart skipped a beat. They took my bracelet - the one my mom gave me for my (y/a) birthday.

"Why did you take my bracelet?"

"Might be worth something."

"It isn't. It's just a rusty old thing that couldn't sell if you tried to." It was true. But that doesn't mean it doesn't have sentimental value to me.

"That may be - but why did you notice it was gone?"

"BEcause it's my bracelet." Nice job trying to keep your cool (y/n).

Another boy appeared. I assumed he was the one who I didn't see last night - the one who tied the gag around my mouth and was so strong I couldn't move a limb. He looked the part.

"James, he's calling her again."

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Three minutes to ten. Why?" Shoot - not again!

How is social distancing going for everyone? It's hard, but at least it gives me more time to work on this :) - Please remember to vote - votes have been slow for the past few weeks. Thanks!

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