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This is sort of how I envision Johnny in my mind - it's not perfect, but it's the best I could find - just imagine him taller!

It read: "this is Johnny (the pirate who didn't mean to kidnap you)'s number. Call me!" followed by a phone number.

I smiled to myself. Johnny left me his number? It was getting really late, but I couldn't resist the urge to call the number. This is my chance to get to know him - before it's too late.

The number dialled for a bit, and then I heard a voice on the other end. "Hello? Who is this?"

I was a bit nervous to reply. "Hi, Johnny. This is (y/n), the princess you kidnapped last night?" I heard him laugh on the other end.

"You found my number!"

"Yea, I did." I unintentionally sighed. I just realized how silly this is. One second I'm with Harry, then I'm randomly calling Johnny. What am I trying to achieve?

"Hey, are you okay? You seem kind of off." How does he know I'm off? Is it that obvious? Even over the phone? To someone who doesn't even know me?

"I'm fine, everything's great!" No it isn't.

"No it isn't. I can tell. I'm a really good listener, you can vent to me if you want." His voice seemed so welcoming and accepting, that I actually opened up. About stuff I didn't even tell Evie.

"Well, there is something that's bothering me. Earlier today, Harry and I kind of had a moment. But he ruined it by making me promise to not fall in love with him. Which was fine, I guess. He went away for a bit, and when he came back and I acted like everything was okay, he just moved on! Like nothing had happened. It really annoyed me for some reason. Plus, he was kind of mean to you, and I don't know why - well I do, but I don't feel like it's justified." Why am I telling him all of this?

"I can't fix the way Harry feels about me, that will have to be developed over time. He does have good reason to hate me, all things considered. But (y/n), did you ever think about the reason you're cross?"

"What do you mean?"

"It seems like everything was fine until you made the promise. Don't you think you're only angry because it might have been too late for the promise to matter?"

I thought back to the very first time I met Harry, to the night of the celebration, to the way I felt at the top of the clock tower. Subconsciously I knew, but my mind kept pushing it away. It was Harry all along. There was never any doubt about it. It was always him.

"Oh my god. You're right."

"I told you I'm a great listener."

"You are. Thanks for being so kind, always. Tell me about yourself. Is there anyone you like?"

"To tell you the truth, there is this girl I've had my eyes on." It can't be me, right? "Don't worry, it's not you. I'm not about to complicate your life any more than it already is." He laughed. I felt relieved, to be honest. I think Johnny would make a good friend, and I wanted to keep it that way.

"I think you should talk to her - what's not to like about you?"

"I've tried, but I don't know if you've noticed, I'm a bit shy."

"I did, but you seem to be fine with me. Just pretend like she's me if it's easier."

"I think I'll try that. Maybe I'll even talk to her tomorrow."

"Hey - if you didn't 'like' me - or have anything really to tell me, why did you leave me your number in the first place?"

"Well, I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. You seemed really nice, and I'm not great at making friends. I just thought that if I wanted to get away from James and Coy - well, you were the first person in sight, and princesses are supposed to be really welcoming and nonjudgmental -"

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