Third Iteration

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This chapter is a.k.a "Deus Ex Machina" (This is an interesting plot device which plays a big role in this part - it'll become obvious once you come across it :)). Also, we reached 10K reads yay! Surprise revealed at the end of this chapter, but I think you probably already know what it is :)

Your POV

I went back into the room. I had to keep reminding myself to calm down, but I couldn't stop hyperventilating. Breathe! Get yourself together - you don't have much time.

I walked out the door to see Johnny and Uma already walking back.

"You're done?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Uma responded. I bit my lip. Should I even be going?

"(Y/N) listen - they're making their way to the front door. You have to go now." Johnny looked at me, his eyes emphasizing the urgency.

I hesitated a second. "O-okay. I'm heading down there now." I began to walk down the hallway. I turned back for a second to look at my friends. Johnny was pulling Uma into an embrace. I shook my head. You can be there for her later - focus on yourself.

I went down the spiral stairs two at a time, feeling braver than before. It's got to be the adrenaline.

I saw the pair walking side by side toward the exit and sped up.

[This song is a bit of an aside that's super fitting for this scene! Here's "If Only (Reprise)" from Descendants!]

"A million thoughts in my head

Should I let my heart keep listening?

I know it's time to say goodbye

So hard to let go..."

Neither of them noticed me even though the sound of my footsteps was echoing in the hall. When I was close enough to be heard I called out.


I was ignored.

"Please Harry, wait." Are they deaf?

I'm not letting you leave until I get closure. I ran up and grabbed his hand, forcing him to spin around and face me. I didn't let go. My voice broke. "I just - I just wanted to say goodbye." I sniffled.

Suddenly I felt something surging through me - it began small, a tingling in my fingertips, and then it was rushing through my veins. It was overwhelming, like something was being sucked out of me. I glanced down to the source - but somehow I knew what it was before my eyes confirmed it. My bracelet. It was emitting a light so bright that it hurt to look at it for more than a second.

I have magic - magic.

I looked back at Harry - his face had gone pale. Am I overdoing it? He seemed drained - exhausted.

Okay, you need to let go - that's enough. You could be hurting him.

I relaxed my hand and let it fall to my side. The moment I did so, he fainted - unconsciously collapsing to the hard ground.

I did a scan of the room - it seemed as though everyone I knew was there. Standing shocked, glancing around uncomfortably. Ben was rushing up to us.

Staying back and leaning over Harry's body wasn't going to do anything productive - there would be people coming soon to take him to the infirmary anyway. No, there was something I had to do of much more urgency.

Shiver Me Timbers [Harry Hook + Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ