First Iteration (Part 2)

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There's a lot of these shorter transitional chapters because I want to make that there's an understanding of each characters' traits before we jump into the (pretty big) climax. Sorry if there isn't enough action yet but we're getting there - it will be worth it!!

"Wow, we're here," I looked around, "This is even better than last time!"

"I still don't get the excitement, but where do you want to go first? Compared to Auradon, the Isle isn't really that big, so there's probably not much to see -"

"Anywhere's fine really. How about your home? If you don't mind, it would be really cool to get an idea of where you live - or used to live."

"It's not that impressive - and honestly kind of embarrassing - but if that's what you want... Your wish is my command." He tried to sound like how genies are depicted in movies and books.

"Wow that's cringey - and super inaccurate - but thanks," I smiled at him. "Soo, are you planning on moving to Auradon now?"

"I haven't thought much about it really... it would be great for me - opportunities wise - but I'm not sure if I can leave my home behind. Even if it is shabby, it's still my home."

"Well, you could always go back and forth, it's not really that far."

"I'll think about it - I have to admit, getting to see you every day would be a plus." Was he flirting with me? I never blush, but if I did, my cheeks would be red right now.

"A-a-nd we're here. How do you like it?"

I gasped. "You live on the Jolly Roger?! I can't believe you never mentioned that!"

"I didn't think it was worth mentioning. It's just a rusty old ship - not even that anymore."

"This ship is legendary!" It was docked at a pier, with a bridge leading into it.

"Since we could never leave the Isle, my dad decided to turn the Roger into a tiny home for us - him, me, and my two sisters - and retire as a pirate. Come, I'll show you my room."

Could this day get any better? First the Isle, and now I'm on the Jolly Roger.

He took me up some stairs that led to something that looked like living quarters for a crew. There were three doors, and he opened the first one on the right. When I went in I saw a surprisingly clean room with the name "Harry" spray-painted on the wall in red.

"Wow, I love your room - it's so different - in the best way possible." This is nothing like my room in Auradon Prep or at the palace. It's dark, but feels homely - welcoming.

Harry's POV

"Thanks, I wasn't sure if it would really - how can I say this - appeal to you princess tastes."

"Are you kidding? It's great." She went over and looked at my collection of swords.

"Can I hold these?"

"Yea of course - you don't need to ask." I can't believe it. Is she actually into this stuff? She held the one with the polished red handle and pretended to be in a fighting position in front of the mirror.

"You really know your formations - I never would have guessed you're from Auradon seeing the way you hold a sword."

"You don't know how much that means to me - thanks. Where'd you get this sword?"

"Oh, that was a gift - from my ... mom."

"It's beautiful." I guess she could sense my discomfort and thankfully didn't continue the topic. I'm not ready to tell her about mom yet.

I walked up to her and put one of my smaller sized pirate hats on her head.

"Now you look the part princess - or should I say, pirate?" She smiled at her reflection.

The atmosphere was abruptly punctured by a voice yelling from downstairs.

"HARRY! Get down here right now!" Uh oh.

Have a great day everyone, you're all amazing :)

Shiver Me Timbers [Harry Hook + Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang