🌹Chapter Thirty - Eight🌹

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🌹R O S E II🌹


"Do I call you now Miss Ace or still just Rose?" Lena asks. I sit in my office with her in front of me. I had shown her the place and where everything is and she's actually taking notes. I also introduced her to some of the people who are working here and they do seem that they became fast friends, then again the office is always friendly and everyone gets along.

I giggle. "I think around others you can call me Miss Ace but when we are here in my office together you can call me Rose" I tell her and she nods her head, she even wrote it down. She's very serious about this job. "Oh, as your new secretary it is my job to tell you what you are doing today and I've cleared yours as well as my schedule" Lena says and I give her a confused look.

This is a work day and we shouldn't be clearing our schedules, I know Lena and she has worked at a company before, we even worked at the same one. It doesn't make sense that she would do this. "Why?" I ask. I just can't understand why she would clear our schedules. This isn't just some holiday or vacation, this is work, which means we have to work until its over.

"I've been requested by your future husband to take you to the spa and let me just say, we both need it. You got wicked cool hair, why not get a wicked cool medi cure and perhaps a pedi cure?" Lena asks and I roll my eyes. I really hoped that he had forgotten about that. And now he has gotten Lena wrapped in this too which means there is no way out of this for me now.

I let out a sigh. "There is no way to back out of this?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Nope" She says popping the p and I sigh once again. "Fine but I'm only getting a pedi cure but not too much, all right?" I ask her and she smiles at me. "Of course, at least you're going" She says as if I was supposed to know that and I did know that.

"But, right now we are going to be working till then" I tell her as if she was supposed to know that and she only scoffs at me. "I know that, trust me. I'll work perfectly and then when we go I'm going to help you relax" She says. "All right, then lets begin" I tell him and she hands me my schedule for the day.

"Lets see, three meetings today and tons of paperwork. Better get started" I tell her and we stand up. "Your first meeting is with a man named Mr. Williams and his co- CEO Miss Williams who I would assume is his daughter" Lena says and I hand her my schedule. I smile to her.

"Yes, Mr. Williams is actually quite nice old man, he's about to hand over his business to his daughter Brittney Williams but I would be careful of her. I've heard that she's ruthless and is greedy, only wanting to expand the small company that they have" I tell her and she makes a note about that.

When going to meetings I need to know the people and I need to understand their reasons for them wanting to do business with me, I also have my team running background check on people. It is only for the safety of myself and the company and to makes sure that I'm making the right choice in this meeting and with the deals that I make.

When I made the deal with the Locke family, something was hidden from me as I did those searches too but I suppose they must have hidden their interest of wanting whatever they wanted, I've decided to forget it and not think about it anymore. "Then why are you going to a meeting with them?" She asks me. That is a good question.

I giggle. She still has so much to learn. Over the last eight months I've learned to many tricks and secrets on how to run a successful business but some of them are dark but I never use them. My company is build from the honest truth and no lies or scandal have touched this company.

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