Chapter 13

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Gamma Elwin's nature is similar to Dimitri which I hope only means that all the moon creatures are amazing people who are loving, caring and forgetting.

He said he mindliked Dimitri about my hunger. I am still not sure what that means but I hope I am able to ask that to him when we are having our snack.

They do follow a weird set of rules. They sleep whenever thay want, they eat whenever they like and they do whatever they want to do at any particular time.

I am not sure how does Dimitri maintain the house if there are no rules. I am not sure how they all respect him but moon creatures have proved themselves weird. I do like that part where I decide what I want to do but it feels different not wrong just different.

"King said that he has arranged snacks in his office where he would live to talk to you with beta Teagen."

What does he want to talk about now? Did I do something wrong but he said there are no rules then I don't know how can I do something wrong. I hope he is not sending me back.

Dark thought fill my brain as we walk towards towards his office.

The first thing I smell when I first enter is chocolate it's my favorite thing. I am not allowed to eat it as its royal food but I had snuck a little taste of it once and it had been stuck in my head ever since. I hope I can taste it again once.

"Come sit Rose, have these cookies and pastries just made for you."

This is it I have decided that I am never leaving this place ever. They let me eat chocolate which means that I will be able to have other royal foods too.

"Come I want you to identify some pictures."

Yes. If it's from human world then I can get it easily.

"Look, do you recognise them?"

That's it he is sending me back that is why he wants me to identify North palace.

I can feel my chest squeezing and it getting harder for me to breathe. Anthony said that means I am panicking.


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