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Jungkook pov :
I was driving to this private institute , taehyung is intelligent ,I wanted him to be proud of himself .
Taehyung:" Kookie ?" .
Jungkook:" yes baby ". He took my hand and played with my fingers.
Taehyung:" can taetae have ice cream after ?" .I smiled at his cuteness.
Jungkook:" of course baby " he smiled and looked out .
We arrived at the venue that has chief on the building ,we entered and they bowed to us , taehyung grabbed my arm ,I took his hand and interwined our fingers.
Jungkook:" what is it baby ?" He was pale .
Taehyung:" taetae is s-scared Kookie " I pulled him and made him look at me .
Jungkook:" bbay I'm here don't be scared " he nodded .
Taehyung:" are they going to accept me ?".
Jungkook:" of course they will my beautiful husband is talented " he giggled .
Taehyung:" okay Kookie " I kissed his cheeks and pulled him .
We walked to an office .
Worker :" hello mister " .
Jungkook:" hello ,I'm here for registration" .
Worker :"oh okay that's great please sit down here I will be back ".
We set down .
Jungkook:" do you like it here baby ?" .
Taehyung:" it's scary but I will do my best " .
Jungkook:" I'm sure of that baby " we talked and then a lady came .
Lady :" oh you must be jeon jungkook the CEO of modelling company ?"
Jungkook:" yes that's me ".
Lady :" what can I help you with ?" .
Jungkook:" I want to register my husband for cooking classes " .she widen her eyes .
Lady :" it's your husband ?".
Jungkook:" yes has problems with gays and bisexuals?" .she shook her head .
Lady :" not at all cooking doesn't have genders, I just asked because we have same guys that has husband here ".
Jungkook:" cool then what should I do ?" .
Lady :"come with me " we walked with her to an office .
Lady :" so we have this paper for you to sign".
I nodded and read them .
Taehyung:"Kookie can I go to bathroom please ?" .
Jungkook:" hmm okay baby ,but you will get lost ".
Taehyung:" I will wait for you then " I smiled .
Lady :" isn't he a ..?"
Jungkook:" yes " .she smiled to Taehyung because he stiffened.
Lady :" what's your name gorgeous bean? " .
Taehyung:" taehyung " he blushed because we were looking at him .
Lady :" cute " .
Jungkook:" it's done ". .
Lady :"thank you for choosing our company Mr jeon ". She shook my hand .
Jungkook:" take care of my husband ,and if anyone cross limits with him I will personally kill him " she shook for a little .
Lady :" here your schedule Taehyung,you can stay for today to have a look around ".
Taehyung:" can I Kookie ?" I peck his cheeks .
Jungkook:" will be a good boy baby ?" .he looked at me cutely.
Taehyung:" yes daddy ,I will be a good boy " I hugged him .
Jungkook:" okay then bbay you can stay ".
I turned to the lady .
Jungkook:" he can stay ,if anything call me ".
Lady :" go in peace ,you don't have to worry he is in a good hand ".
I nodded and turned to Taehyung.
Jungkook:" okay baby I will go now ,I will pick you up later " he nodded and was going to walk .
Jungkook:" and where do you think you are going without giving your husband a kiss ?" He giggled and the lady smiled at us .
Taehyung:" sorry Kookie ". He kissed my cheeks .
I pulled him to me and peck his lips .
Jungkook:" hmm this is a kiss " he giggled .
Lady :" come on Taehyung ,I will give a paper to write some notes since the classe will start in 5 minutes" he nodded and waved at me .I waved back . I kept on looking at him ,this baby is turning me into a softy ,I think I fell for him because his innocence is hard to handle he is driving me crazy with his beautiful gestures . He is attached to me I can feel it , taehyung gave his heart to me as a promise I will fullfil his needs ,I will be there for him even if it cost my life .

I walked to my company ,and saw that there are some new models girls ,they are hot and suitable for being a model .
Seohyun:" I finished shopping with Jin ,where is Tae ?" .
Jungkook:" he is In his institute ,he wanted to stay and learn so I didn't want to stop him " she smiled .
Seohyun:" that's my son ,I'm proud of you ,and at ease that you finally found someone you can have a future with ".
Jungkook:" yeah , taehyung is my world now " she gasped .
Seohyun:" you really is different son " I chuckled .
Jungkook:" so we have some new models ?" .
Seohyun:" yes ,they came ,you should have a look ".
We walked to a meeting room .
They got up and bowed .
Jungkook:" hello everyone " .
They responded with hello too .
Seohyun:" so today we will have some training for you to classify you into categories ".
Jungkook:" before we start our training ,I have some rules to go through" .
They nodded .
Jungkook:" first ,in my company there is respect between workers and managers ,we don't accept any of you if you keep your ass fucked by some random models ". They looked down .
Jungkook:" second , I don't tolerate bad reputation for my company ,I worked hard to make it to the top trending modelling company , third if anyone cross limits with any of the managers say goodbye to your job ,am I clear ?" .
" Yes sir " they answered .
Jungkook:" and last if you don't like the rules you may go now before it's too late " they bowed .
Seohyun:" you are dismissed ,we will meet in the training room " they nodded and walked away .
Time skip : 
I drove to Taehyung institute , I pulled the car and found him giggling with 5 other friends some are boys and girls .
I kept on looking at him .
Taehyung:" kooookieee " he shouted my name making me smile ,all his friends turned to me .
Jungkook:" hey love " he giggled and kissed my cheeks .
Taehyung:" kookie ,I made some friends " I smiled again he is so cute .
Jungkook:" that's good to hear baby " .
" Hello you must be jeon jungkook?" .
I turned one of Taehyung friend talked .
Jungkook:" yes and you are ?" .he was hugging a boy too .
" I'm daewon ,siwon's  husband " I looked at the boy that was next to him .
Jungkook:" nice to meet you daewon I'm Taehyung's husband " we shake hands .
Daewon :" well I'm here for half an hour waiting but they didn't stop talking about some recipes " he pouted .I chuckled .
Jungkook:" I'm here but I think we will wait again for another  half an hour " we chuckled because they were talking like we don't exist .
Jungkook:" baby can we leave ?" He nodded ,they hugged and walked with their boyfriends .
Taehyung:" sorry Kookie "
Jungkook:" for what baby ?" .
Taehyung:" for making you wait " I peck his lips.
Jungkook:" don't worry love ,let's have dinner then we have ice cream okay baby ?" He cheered . We drove off to our destination .
Hello my beautiful lovelies .
So I want to explain something to my readers .
The story is about Taehyung having disorders , it isn't to offend people , it's  a story ,some of the ideas are from a true story ,I wrote it not to offend or hurt people that has the same issues .
If so please do not take it as I'm offending you it's just a story about TAEKOOK not you .
If I see people don't like this book because of that idea that will push me to delete it . If you want me to continue writing this book say in the comments "we want"  to know what I should do .

Thank you lovelies and take care ♥️💜❤️❣️♥️💜❤️❣️♥️

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