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I gulped as I went to the front of the class. I felt my heart beat rapidly against my chest. I clasped my sweaty hands together and took a deep breath.

You can do this, Y/N!

"H-Hello e-e-everyone..." I said in almost a whisper, "I...I... I'm Y/n L-L/n... T-The Ul-Ultimate... Shut-in..."

"I...I...I hope w-we can g-g-get... a-along!" I managed to get the words out of my mouth and bowed.

I feel tired already...

Chisa-sensei smiled at my attempt, "We're glad to have you here, Y/n! Kindly sit behind Nagito. Could you please raise your hand, Nagito?" A fluffy, white-haired boy raised his hand.

I looked at the raised hand waringly before walking towards the vacant seat behind him. I plopped down on my seat and immediately wrapped my f/c blanket around my body.

I relaxed as I felt the scent of [favorite scent] envelop me, "Ahhhh I wanna sleep..." I yawned.

"Now that everyone's here, let's start homeroom!" Chisa-sensei joyfully exclaimed, "Although I could have taken volunteers, I decided this alone based on my own judgement!"

Huh? What are we deciding right now?

I looked around the room to see that everyone else was also confused by Chisa-sensei's words.

"What are you talking about?" A boy with a blue jump suit and a chain wrapped around his neck asked.

I shuddered at his apperance, "He looks like he could snap my neck like a twig..."

No, Y/n!

Stop thinking like that!

He's your classmate!

"For our class representative, of course!" Chisa-sensei let out a giggle, "And I have decided to ask Chiaki Nanami-san to accept the position!"

"Huh? I don't wanna," A girl holding a pink psp let out.

She must be Chiaki Nanami-san...

...She seems friendly...

"It'd be perfect if it was Nanami-san!" A girl with long blonde hair stated followed by a boy with pink hair and a blue jumpsuit.

"I agree with Sonia-san!" The bubblegum-haired boy replied.

Sonia-san has this elegant aura around her...

Her talent must have something to do with that...

On the other hand, the boy beside her reeks of oil.

I covered my nose, "If I don't acknowledge it, I won't be able to smell it."

"Isn't that fine?" A girl with a white button-up shirt and a red skirt said.

"No problems here, either," A boy with a short statue and blond hair said non-chalantly.

"I do not mind in the least,"A silver-haired girl with glasses spoke.

Woah... She looks so cool...

"Ibuki doesn't object!" A girl with multi-colored hair stood up.

"Me too, I guess.."

"Isn't that fine?"

"Nice punch!"

"I'm also in favor, I think..."

"I also feel it's fine if it's Nanami-san..."

"Hmph, so that is what the world has chosen."

"I think you're suited for it too,"

I felt my head spinning at the amount of people speaking up at once, "Waah I'm getting tired of keeping track of them..."

"I-I-It's f-f-fine with me t-too, I guess....?" I whispered.

Chisa-sensei smiled at our responses and walked towards Nanami-san, "So what do you say?" She asked.

"Since everyone already agreed, will you accept this job?"

Nanami-san paused for a moment before letting out a small sigh, "I got it."

"Good, It's decided then," Chisa-sensei cheered.

(Clap, clap, clap)

I looked around for the source of the clapping to see that it came from the person in front of me.

Nagito, was it...?

He seems... pretty average...

Not that I'm not average myself...

Heck, I might be the most average person here!

"How wonderfully beautiful," Nagito smiled widely, "All of you, with Super High School Level talent, will bond even more tightly with Nanami-san's talent to lead you."

Uhm... you're a Super High School Level talent too, you know...

I looked around the room to find that the others were sweatdropping.

Is this a normal occurance..?

I turned to look back at Nagito to see him paying no mind to our classmate's gazes.

He might not be an average person like I thought he was...

"For as long as Nanami-san is our class rep, this class and its light will surely never end," Nagito continued.

He's... pretty interesting.

"Ah, sorry. Maybe I said too much," Nagito let out an awkward chuckle after he finished with his ramblings.

I let out an amused smile.

Going outside might not be so bad after all...



Gosh, I miss class 77-B so much ;-; ;-; ;-;

They deserved so much better sobs

Okay, guess it's back to crying over fictional characters for me :D

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now