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Nagito walked towards the door and opened it to reveal Ibuki.

"Ibuki?" I looked at the musician from behind Nagito.

"Helloooooooo!~" Ibuki cheered and handed us a piece of paper, "Ibuki found this laying in front of your porch and it seems that everyone also received an invitation!" The musician showed a colored piece of paper that had the words "Invitation ticket
9:00 PM at Titty Typhoon
Party for Fuyuhiko's Recovery" written on it.

Another party?!

"A party for Fuyuhiko? Wow, Ibuki... This is great!" Nagito beamed which caused Ibuki's grin to grow wider.

"I know right?!!! Well, I better get going. I still have some preparations to do. See yaaaaa!!!" With that, the bi-colored haired girl dashed to the cabin beside Nagito's.

"Are you going?" I tilted my head to the said as I stared at Nagito who continued to examine Ibuki's invitation.

"Why, of course! I'm already grateful that someone like me recieved an invitation from an Ultimate, so it is only right for me to show up!"

"You're an Ultimate too, you know..." I sighed at Nagito's self-depricating words.

"Yeah, but-"

"No buts, you're an Ultimate. Heck, you might even have the best talent in the entire island!! So please, stop looking down at yourself... You're amazing and I'm glad to call you my friend," I gently took hold of the luckster's hands and stared at his gray-green eyes.

"I...." Nagito seemed to be at a loss for words, "T-Thank you, Y/n.... This is my first time hearing someone is glad that I'm their friend... I... I'll try to do better, I promise!" He gave me a determined smile and stared back into my e/c irises.

My heart skipped a beat at his actions. I didn't expect any of this!!!

I let out a chuckle and smiled warmly, "I'm glad, Nagi..."


I entered Titty Typhoon with Nagito to find that the others were there already. Well, except for maybe a few people... They might be running late.

I beamed when I saw the food table and immediately grabbed a piece of garlic bread/[your preferred appetizer].

I took a bite of the food and savoured the taste with a closed eyes and a smile. (Yes, that saiki face<33)

"You look cute when you eat like that," I heard Nagito whisper beside me.


My cheeks immediately reddened at his words as I tried my best to cover my face with my hands.

"Hahahaha, sorry about that... I spoke without thinking," Nagito chuckled at my flustered state.

"D-Don't laugh! It's the first time someone ever said that to me!" I grew even more flustered which made the luckster even more amused.

Our moment was cut off when the stage lit up to reveal Ibuki holding an electric guitar.

"Heeeeey y'all! It's Ibuki Miodaaaaa! Thanks for coming out today!" Ibuki yelled into the microphone, "My specialty is making beef stew!"

"Haha, I may not look like it but people tell me that I'm a nurturing type," She laughed, "So I'm gonna do my very best performance so I can make everyone feel better. I hope you're all pumped up!" I smiled in excitement as the musician strummed a chord on her guitar.

"Put your hands together for....From Me To You Too!" I cheered as she began to play the song.

The song ended which left everyone in a state of shock.

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now