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We all exited the restaurant, leaving Nagito behind.

"Kazuichi, why did you stop me?!" Akane was fuming.

"Huh?! What are you talking about?!" Kazuichi had no clue.

"Back there at the restaurant. If you hadn't stopped me, I coulda crushed Nagito to pieces!" Her eyebrows were furrowed, lips turned into a frown.

"You're too fired up, dumbass! Calm the fuck down, at least!" Fuyuhiko cursed. Everyone's blood seemed to be boiling today.

"More importantly... Let us all head over to the ancient ruin!" Sonia, oh bless her, spoke calmly.

Finally, someone who isn't screaming in anger.

"Huh? The ruin?"

"Nagito said that the bombs are hidden somewhere we have never been before," The princess explained, "If that is the case... the inside of that ruin is the only place I can think of."

"Yeah, you're right, Sonia," Hajime agreed.

"No... there was one other place, too." Fuyuhiko added, "What is it again...? That castle at the amusement park... What's its name...?"

Oh! The castle at the fourth island with writing!

"Are you talkin' about that Natsume Castle?!" Akane stated.

"You're wrong! He's talking about Nezumi Castle!" Kazuichi corrected, "Then... we have those two places to choose from..."

"But we won't be able to enter the ancient ruin without a password. What should we do?" Hajime questioned

"A password, huh... I'm guessing we still don't have any clues to that?"

"That probably goes for Nagito, too. He probably couldn't hide the bombs there since he doesn't know the password either... right?" I added.

"So... we should try going to Nezumi Castle first," Chiaki concluded.

And with that, we made our way towards the 4th island.


I stared at the stairs leading to the restaurant. I had managed to slip away from Hajime and the others as they went to the 2nd island. Nobody was around, only the sounds of the ocean waves being heard from a mile away. It was quiet, too quiet. Nothing to stop the thoughts going on in my head. 

This is a bad idea. 

But this is for the sake of the others!

What if he does something to me?!


He's not like that, right?

I can't risk the entire island blowing up just because I was a coward who didn't want to reveal their selves for their own selfish desires.

I sighed.

Here goes nothing.

"Ah, Y/n! You're here!" Nagito perked up at my presence as he stood up from a chair in the middle of the room, "What brings you here? Didn't I tell you guys that I'd be waiting for the traitor?"

"Yeah, about that..." I tried to explain, but Nagito continued.

"How are the others? Have they found out where the bombs are?"

"O-Oh, yea... They figured that you hid it inside the Future Foundation vault since it wasn't in the castle, which reminds me... How did you even get inside there?" 

He grinned, "Oh, that's simple. Monokuma gave me the passcode."

My eyes widened, "He did what?!" 

"Hahaha, yea! Must be another prize for completing the Final Dead Room,"

"T-That's impossible! The only people who know the password are from the Fu-- Never mind."

"Come again?" Nagito tilted his head curiously. 

"N-Nothing! It's nothing. I just..."

"Y/n! Where are you?!" I heard Hajime's voice from the outside.

"You should go, Y/n. Seems like they're looking for you," Nagito let out.

"But! I haven't told you what I wanted to say yet!"

"Oh, I'm sure that could wait another time," He let out a smile.

"Y/n?!" Akane shouted, I flinched from the loud tone.

I sighed, "Y-You're right, I'll be back..."

Nagito waved "Farewell, 

Miss/Mister Traitor..."

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now