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I stepped out of the gates of Hope's Peak Academy and let out a sigh in relief.

Finally... Today's over...

I forced my legs to move and began making my way home.

I'm so tired....

Maybe I should've taken it easy today...

After all... It is the first time in months since I spent time outside...

I stopped with my walk when I felt my entire world spinning.

"I... feel... dizzy..." I felt my legs give up from under me.

Ah, I'm falling.




"L/n-san! Are you alright?" I felt a bony hand wrap around my waist to prevent my body from hitting the ground.

"H-Huh...?" I looked up at my savior to see familiar gray-green eyes looking at me with worry.

The person in front of me...!

Nagito... Uhm...

Come to think of it, I never got his last name...

Aaah I don't want to call him by his first name right off the bat!

He'll think I'm too chummy with him!!

"Are you alright? You looked like you were about to pass out, so I caught you," Nagito spoke, "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have touched an Ultimate like yourself without permission..."

What's he talking about...?

I gave Nagito a small smile and properly stood up, "Thanks... for s-stopping my fall, uhm..." I trailed off, trying to find a suitable name to call him.

Nagito's lips curled into a smile, "Ah, you probably don't remember the name of trash like me... But it's alright! I'm Nagito Komaeda," he introduced.

"R-Right.... Thanks, K-Ko-Komaeda-san!" I thanked the luckster with a smile on my face.

"U-Uhm... No worries... L/n-san," Nagito grew flustered under my gaze and scratched the back of neck sheepishly.

An awkward silence dominated the two of us while people continued to pass by us, minding their own business.

I gulped at the atmosphere surrounding us, "W-well... I b-best be off... Have to catch up with today's n-new episode..." I chuckled awkwardly and began to walk away.

"Wait!" I felt a hand grab my wrist, stopping me from going anywhere.

"H-Huh?" I looked at the person who grabbed my wrist to see Nagito, "I-Is there s-something wrong, K-Komaeda-san...?" I grew nervous at the physical contact and softly brushed off his hand.

Nagito seemed to notice my action and bowed, "I...I'm so sorry! Trash like me shouldn't have touched you like that!" He exclaimed loudly, earning the attention of people passing by.

I grew even more nervous at the people's gazes and shook my head, "Y-You don't ha-h-have to apologize! P-Please s-stop b-bowing!" I frantically waved my hands in front of me while I slowly began to cry inside.

Kamisama save me....

Nagito looked up from his bow and properly stood up, "I-It's okay..? Wow, I'm so happy!" He let out a massive grin.

How is he so happy with all the eyes on him?!

"S-so why did y-you grab my w-wrist?" I went straight to the point, not wanting to spend another second with several eyes on me.

Nagito's face turned into a light shade of red as he avoided looking into my eyes, "W-Well.... I was wondering if you would like me to walk you home... you know, to make sure that you won't pass out..?" My eyes widened at his claim.

W-Walk home...?!

With a boy?!

I thought these situations only happen in shoujo mangas!

"O-Oh! But it's okay if you don't want to..." Nagito quickly added, "After all, someone like me has no right to-"

"S-Sure.." I cut him off before he could insult himself more.

"-walk home with an- wait... what did you just say?!" Nagito's eyes widened in surprise with his mouth slightly agape.

I puffed out my cheeks, not wanting to repeat what I said, "I said... s-sure..." Nagito smiled at my response.

"Wow! I'm so happy! To think that an Ultimate like you wou--"

"Geez... L-Let's just start walking already! I'm going to miss the new episode that's going to air today!"

"Hahaha.... Okay, I'm sorry...." Nagito chuckled and began to walk alongside me.

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now