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It's been a year.

A year has passed since I last stepped inside Hope's Peak Academy.

A year since the huge incident at the Practical Exams happened.

A year since Nagito got suspended.

He still hasn't come back...

I stared at my phone screen that was open and had a certain conversation on it.

It was the last conversation between Nagito and I.

[N/n💃🕺: You there?]

[Nagi☘: yeah]

[N/n💃🕺: Where are you rn?]

[Nagi:☘: inside a plane]

[N/n💃🕺: woaahh where are u going to?]

[Nagi☘: I forgot...]

[N/n💃🕺: srsly?]

[Nagi☘: yeah;;;]

[N/n💃🕺: Well wherever you are, make sure to stay safe!!]

[Nagi☘: You too.]

I sighed and turned off my phone.

Please be safe...



The door to class 1-B opened, making the students look at the door, expecting to see the timid nurse, only to find a certain luckster instead.

"I'm back everyone," Nagito, who was drenched by the rain, stepped inside the classroom.

Class 1-B frowned, clearly dissapointed that it wasn't Mikan that opened the door.

Nagito looked around the classroom and noticed that a certain blanket-wearing shut-in was missing.

"Huh? Y/n's not here?"

"They stopped coming to school the same time you got suspended..." Mahiru sighed, missing the (f/f)-loving student.

Nagito was saddened by Mahiru's words, but hid it with a wide smile, "Oh, I see... Anyways, long time no see everyone. I bought souviners," Nagito reached his hand to the inside of his blazer to pull out something only to be cut off by a much taller Hiyoko.

"Can't you read the situation?" The traditional dancer scoffed.

"Welcome back, Komaeda-kun," Chiaki greeted him with a welcoming smile, "But I'm afraid that we're not in the mood to celebrate you return right now."

"Mikan has gone missing."

The luckster widened his eyes at this, "Missing? But I saw her outside just a while ago... at the West District" Everyone gasped at his claim while 'Mitarai' grabbed Nagito by the collar.

"Are you sure it was the West District?" 'Mitarai' asked with a hint of aggression.

"Huh? Mitarai? Have you always been like this?" 'Mitarai' widened his eyes and apologized before letting Nagito go.

"As I was saying... I'm sure that it was her. You guys want to pick her up?" Nagito looked at his classmates who were all contemplating.

After a while, everyone started to head out for the door.

"Ah, Pekoyama-san," Nagito called out to the swordswoman who hummed in response.

"I have a favor to ask..."

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now