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We crossed the bridge leading to the fourth island only to be greeted by...

"An... amusement park?" I looked at the huge, colorful castle in awe.

It looks fun, amazing, thrilling, and exciting all at once. But for some odd reason, this place gives me the creeps.

I look at Nagito to find him admiring the view. The way his mouth was slightly agape. It was rather cute, to be honest.

"YOOOOOOO! There's a rollercoaster! We gotta check this out!" Akane immediately ran towards the entrance to the rollercoaster.

"Akane, wait! It's dangreous to go alone!" I yelled as Akane slowly disappeared from my line of sight.

Chiaki sighs, "Guess we should split up..." Everyone agreed and we went our separate ways to investigate the numerous attractions of the island.

Nagito and I first went to the Funhouse, rather, the train leading to the funhouse. 

"It seems... we're the first ones here," Nagito pointed out.

"Yea..." I replied as I entered one of the carts. The seats were so fluffy I could practically feel myself sinking!

"Here, Nagito. You should sit with me for a while. After all, we have lots of exploring to do later. It's best to conserve our energy," I patted the empty seat beside me.

"Sure, Y/n," I scooched over to create more space for the luckster.

An awkward silence loomed over the two of us. It was so silent, so unlike an amusement park.

I still can't get over the fact that I practically confessed my feelings during the trial!

How stupid of me...

"Ahem," Nagito cleared his throat.

"Hmm? Is something the matter?" I tilted my head in response.

Please don't mention anything about the trial T___T

"I know trash like me shouldn't bring up the past, but... did you mean it? What you said back at the trial?" I internally shrunk when Nagito finished talking.

"H-Huh? I said something? Really? Psshhh, It must be nothing ahdhasahahahha" I nervously laughed.

"Oh, I see... It was probably nothing, right? I'm sure it was just in the heat of the moment. You probably just felt bad about me that you-"

"I-It wasn't nothing!" I blurted out.

This is so embarassing!!!

I wish I could just turn back time and stop myself from saying that then I wouldn't even be in this situation!

I sighed.

Guess there's no turning back now...

"What I said back at the trial... Y'know... about me l-loving you... It was true... Everything is all true..." I squeezed my eyes shut, afraid to face the Ultimate beside me, "Monokuma kill me now..."


God damn silence.

I slowly opened my eyes to find Nagito's face in a light blush.

He looks so adorable.

"I... I don't know what to say..." He finally spoke, "You... You have... feelings? For me?!" I shyly nodded.

"Someone like me?"

"Y-Yea..." I audibly whispered.

"I'm so honored! To think that an Ultimate like you would harbor such intense feelings for trash like me makes me so... so...!" He grinned wide, face redder than before, "so happy...!"

"W-What?? Does this mean..."

"As a matter of fact, yes. I like you too, Y/n," He smiled softly, his eyes holding an unexplainable emotion to them.

I couldn't take my gaze off of his eyes. A beautiful grayish-green abyss. It was hypnotizing. I looked down at his chapped, pale lips. For some odd reason, they were alluring. I felt myself slowly leaning in. 

I closed my eyes as I felt my lips hit his.

It was magical.

A feeling I can't put into words.

Fireworks went off in my head, as if celebrating something. 

My first kiss.

My first kiss with my beloved.

For what felt like an hour, everything felt like bliss until-

"Rawr! Welcome to the funhouse!" A stupid black and white bear popped out of nowhere.

"Ah!" I genty pulled away from Nagito.

"My, my! Looks like you two were busy! Upupupupupu~" Monokuma laughed at our flushed faces.

I opened my mouth to say something only to see Hajime from the corner of my eye.

"Oh, hey Y/n and Nagito!" I waved at the brunette.

"Rawr! Welcome to the funhouse!" Monokuma repeated.

"Funhouse?" Hajime questioned.

"Yup! With this train I'm conducting, I shall take you all to the funhouse," He explained, "BUT!!!! You'd never be able to ride it anyway..."

"In order to enter the funhouse, all of you guys have to ride this train! So... Ya gotta assemble everyone first! I'll be waiting~" And with that, he disappeared.

Nagito held out his hand to me as we stepped out of the cart. I intertwined my fingers with his which Hajime seemed to notice.

"Are you guys...?" The nosy brunette questioned, still looking at our hands. We shyly nodded in response which made Hajime chuckle.

"Is it okay if we come exploring with you?" I asked.

"Sure, as long as you guys won't make me feel like a third wheel" The brunette continued to chuckle. I lightly smacked his arm in response and the three of us made our way to the rollercoaster.

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now