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My heart sank and I could feel everyone turn to look at me. Their faces were filled with panic, confusion, and hurt.

"Y/n...?" Hajime was the first to speak. I almost couldn't hear from the ringing of my ears.

I killed... Nagito? 

My chest hurt

"W-What...?" I whispered, taking a step back, "This can't be..."

My head was pounding. I couldn't make sense of anything.

"Upupupupu!" Monokuma laughed, "My, my, what a surprising turn of events!" I could feel the smirk coming from his voice, "This is the first time you've picked the wrong person!"

"So I was right about you all along!" Kazuichi pointed a finger at me. I could feel his anger from yards away.

""N-No...! It can't be... Please..." I was shaking. I turned to look at Chiaki to find her staring at the ground. I couldn't pinpoint what she was feeling at all.

"C-Chiaki..." I reached out to her. She looked up at me with a smile.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, Y/n," She spoke, "You can do this, alright?"

The heavy lump in my throat made it hard for me to speak, all I could do was nod in response.

"Y/n..." Hajime looked at me, "I-It was you all along...?" He looked hurt.

"Hajime... I-I'm so sorry..." I cried, "I... I didn't..." 

As the brunette was about to speak up, Chiaki looked at him, a signal of some sort.

"You'll get out of this, okay?" Chiaki looked calm as ever. Meanwhile, I was breaking down.

"I'm sorry, everyone..." I let out, "B-Because of me... Y-You..."

"Don't ever finish that sentence," Fuyuhiko firmly spoke, causing me to tense up, "You didn't know, right? It's not your fault."

"F-Fuyuhiko..." My lips trembled and fresh tears found its way to my cheeks.

"Yeah, it sucks to die, but you shouldn't beat yourself up for this," He began, "What Nagito did was a game of chance. It just so happens that we were unlucky."

Fuyuhiko's words managed to calm me down a little, but it doesn't change anything at all.

They were all going to die because of me. 

"Upupupupu!" The bear laughed, "Now then, I have prepared a very special punishment for you all!" 

"Even Monomi!"

"Huh? Why Monomi...?" Chiaki questioned.

"It's just a two-for-one special..." Monokuma explained, "Or should I say... Seven-for-one? Upupupu! I could have gotten that thing killed any time I wanted since she's not really a student."

"And also... I don't need anybody defying me anymore! Ah also, I remember now that... I'm an only child!" He laughed.

"It's okay..." Monomi spoke up, "Even if I'm here, I'd just be a burden anyway... And not just that..."

"I've decided to believe in Y/n!" 


 "Just one last time... Let me say something that makes me sound like a teacher..." She began, "There's no need to be a hero. You don't have to force yourself just to make people acknowledge you. When you do that, you end up blaming yourself, blaming other people... and feeling jealous of everyone... But still... it doesn't have to be like that."

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now