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It's been months.

Months since I escaped from Hope's Peak Academy.

Months since I met the survivors of Class 78.

And months since I joined the Future Foundation.

I stared at the sleeping pods that had my classmates inside of them.

They look so peaceful...

So pure...

So... unlike Ultimate Despairs...

I fought the urge to cry as I remembered the suffering they had to endure to become the people who they are now.


She didn't deserve to die...

I stared at Makoto who was typing something on the monitor, probably coding something.

"Are you really sure that you want to do this, Y/n-senpai?" I nodded at Makoto's words.

"Of course, they're my classmates after all..."

"You do know that your memories from when you became Junko's assistant will dissapear, right?" I nodded again.

"Of course, jeez Makoto... You're such a worrywart," I chuckled and ruffled my underclassman's hair.

"Senpai!" Makoto whined and began to fix his hair.

"Hai, hai..." My laughter began to die down as I continued to observe Makoto.

I sighed, "I'll miss you guys..."

It was Makoto's turn to laugh now, "You don't have to miss us, Senpai. I'm sure the procedure would only take a few weeks or so."

"Yeah... but... I have a feeling that something bad will happen..."

"Jeez Y/n-senpai... I never knew that you were such a worrywart," I huffed at his statement.

"Stop copying me!" I gently smacked the back of his head.

"Ow!" Makoto rubbed the spot where I hit him.

"Complete," A monotone voice came from the monitor.

As if on cue, an empty sleeping pod opened.

Makoto and I stared at the open sleeping pod.

"Guess it's ready...." Makoto stood up from his chair and began to walk towards the vacant sleeping pod with me behind him.

"I just have to lie down inside, right?" Makoto nodded as he continued to push some buttons on the side of the sleeping pod.

I followed Makoto's words and lied down inside the sleeping pod. I stared at the ceiling to try and mentally prepare myself.

"Are you ready, Y/n-senpai?" Makoto hovered above me.

I smiled and nodded, "Of course."

Makoto smiled back and began to close the sleeping pod with me inside it, "Good night, Y/n-senpai..."

As soon as the lid closed, an unknown gas started seeping out of the pod, causing me to pass out.

Good night...

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now